Chapter Twelve

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Linda sighed as she looked at both of her sons, giving each other unfriendly looks, and storm out of the house separately. To be exact, Zale calmly went first, and Robin trudged after him. 

It became silent the moment Mae had left. Linda knew she probably wasn't going to come back for a while. If it were Linda, she would have gone insane. Mae was holding a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. It was too much for a twenty-year-old girl to handle, but somehow, she was keeping it together, even after returning home when her emotions were supposed to be unstable. Linda didn't blame her for running out of the house like she did. In fact, she thought it was a smart and mature move on her behalf. 

"Stan, Abigail. I respect everything you do for this pack, and I've always known everything you've done was for a good reason. But this one, I don't understand at all," Linda finally said, looking at her oldest friends. "You know Mae dislikes Zale, and Zale enjoys pestering Mae to the point of insanity. Why are you making the two of them work together at a time as sensitive as this? As a newly matured alpha, she's unstable right now, and as much as I love my son, he's a mess. Are you sure that he's the best person to be training your daughter?"

"It's because your son is in such a reckless state right now that I'm forcing them to work together. Your son is the most brilliant Claw within his age group in the pack and maybe even more genius than some on the council. Seeing that he's in such a state seems like such a waste of his talent," Stan said. "I can't just stand by and see him like this."

"I still don't completely understand," Linda bit the inside of her cheek. "I know Zale's abilities are impressive, but are you sure he can do it in the state he's in? I've already tried to straighten him out, but even as his mother, I couldn't."

"I have a feeling that my daughter and the responsibility I'm trusting him with will be the things that will change him. I believe he needs someone around his age with a good head on their shoulders to mold him into a better alpha and person," Stan explained. "I am very well aware of how horribly they clash, but I feel if they are working towards a common goal together, that will bring them closer. They're both brilliant. They could be a great team if they could only get along."

"Zale is a good boy at heart, and I can see that. No matter how hurt he was by his father all of those years ago, he is still your son," Abigail agreed, placing her hand on her friend's shoulder.

Linda suddenly remembered what she had told Mae just one night ago. "Zale's a lot older now, so I don't have a lot of say in what he does, but I do think that he has a good heart underneath it all. He just needs direction from someone his age with a good head on their shoulders. I believe he'll find his way soon."  

Linda knew she didn't sound like she believed that herself. She felt a bit ashamed.

"That's very true," Linda nodded with a soft laugh. She'd almost given up on helping fix Zale's behaviors, which wasn't what she should have been doing. "He just reminds me so much of his father. I guess I keep thinking that he'll turn out the same way. Especially if he finds out he's still alive. Zale still thinks he got killed by some Southern wolves, as does Robin and everyone else."

"I feel as if Mae might catch on soon," Abigail sighed. "You know Zale can't be subjected because of his partial chief bloodline. Mae will find out sooner or later, and knowing her, she'll start asking questions that we won't be able to keep." 

"Yeah, you're right," Linda nodded. "Honestly, I was secretly hoping he'd never have to find out who his father really was. But I believe once he pulls himself together, he'll be ready to take the blow. Of course, it'll be hard."

"Finding out that your father is the chief of the South pack is more than just a sensitive subject. If he knows now, it could tear him to pieces." Stan glanced out the kitchen window, leaning back in his chair. "This is why we must fix the state he is in as soon as possible. Who knows what could happen if this information gets out?"


Robin kicked a pile of rocks, shoving his hands in his black jacket pockets as he walked into the main square of East Erewhon's village. It was paved with beautiful stones, seeming almost marble-like. Most of the stores opened early in the morning, but some had just begun to open. The area was lightly crowded with his pack members, some wolves, some humans. Cubs and kids were everywhere, playing soccerball or wrestling. He could tell who were omegas and who were alphas in an instant. 


They had a lot resting upon their shoulders, especially Mae. When she left his house during breakfast, he wanted to go after her, but he knew she needed time alone. Alphas were unstable for weeks, maybe even months after they came back from the mainland. His mom told him it had something to do with their age, which Robin didn't fully understand. He barely understood alphas in general, so he didn't care to learn anything further than that. 

He hated to admit it, but he understood the chief's intentions in asking his brother to teach Mae more than anyone. No matter how much of a mess Zale was, he was also an incredibly talented alpha. If anyone could fix him, it would be Mae. Robin knew how much they clashed, but ever since they were children, they had worked well together as a team, whether they realized it or not. When they weren't fighting, that is. In school, they were always partners for some reason, and they won almost every task thrown at them. Their rivalry made them stronger.

Walking in the snow gave Robin a clear head. The fresh air was nice and crisp, as was the light snow that gracefully descended from the sky. 

"Robin!" A familiar, cheerful voice came from behind him. "Hey, Robin!"

Robin's eyes widened, and he sucked a breath in before he turned around and gave the cutest girl he'd ever seen a smile. Marie. It was about two years ago when he fell head over heels for her, and still, after all this time, never had the nerve to ask her out. She had the most beautiful wavy, strawberry blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and the cutest freckles placed only across the bridge of her nose and upper cheeks. Not only was she pretty, but she was the sweetest omega he'd ever met. They became friends around the time Robin fell for her, and there they sadly remained. 

"Hey, Marie," Robin grinned as she trotted to his side. "What are you up to?"

"Oh, I was just taking a morning walk! It's beautiful when it snows," Marie said, holding her hands--covered in red mittens--out in front of her to catch the falling snow. "What about you? You look a little troubled. What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing, really," Robin sighed. Marie raised her eyebrows at him and crossed her arms. This made Robin laugh. "Well, my alpha friend, Mae, the one I told you about, came back from the academy yesterday, and she has a lot of beef with my brother, Zale. As you know, she's supposed to train and study to become the next chief, and it turns out that her father made Zale her tutor, so she's a mess right now."

"Oh. That's a low blow," Marie whistled. "Your brother's not really in a place to teach her, though. He used to be seen as a genius. I mean, he was a bit cocky but very productive and talented. Now he's just..."

"The pack's womanizer? A pheromone addict? Still in over his head?" Robin scoffed. "I don't know anymore, to be honest. I kind of understand why the chief's doing it, but it's going to be a mess. I'm going to have to monitor them twenty-four-seven. I'm pretty sure I'll be breaking up a lot of fights. Both of them together are lethal, so I might need help dealing with them."

"I can help! I'd be happy to!" Marie instantly said, grabbing his sleeve. Robin was glad the cold hid his flustered cheeks. Her eyes widened when he smiled at her, and she let go of his sleeve, seeming flustered herself. "Uh, I mean, if you need my help."

"Of course," Robin couldn't help but laugh as they began to walk towards the village lodge. "Let me buy you a hot chocolate so we can talk it over. What do you say?"

"That sounds amazing!"


Hey guyssss! May I just say Robin is such an innocent lil thang. He's so adorable, and I love writing him:) This little side romance of his is going to be so sweet and fluffy, I just can't wait!

Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you liked that chapter! Let me know what you think of it! Like, comment, and keep reading! Thanks y'all!


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