Chapter Four

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"You look too grown up. It's breaking your man's old heart," my dad wistfully sighed when Corset and Elliot left to deal with the remaining crowd to ensure all my girls got to their families safe and sound. He glanced at me and my mom--who was walking beside me on the way back home. "I can barely recognize you anymore."

"That's what I said. On top of your hair turning white, it's longer than before. It was a couple of inches below your shoulders when you left," my mom agreed. You're stunning with those amber eyes as well. Have you really learned the full extent of subjugation? Do the girls listen to your commands?"

"Yeah, but they would listen to me even without subjugation. They're a very promising group," I nodded. "How did you know about that, though?"

"Your instructors kept in touch with us, of course," my dad said. "I wasn't going to let my only daughter wander off without knowing how she was doing, would I? Plus, I wanted to see how you were progressing. Each month, I was delighted to hear how well you were doing. You've exceeded my expectations, Mae. I'm very proud."

"I'm glad to hear that because I've worked too hard to hear anything less," I scoffed, rubbing the back of my neck. I wouldn't say I liked compliments, and I always felt awkward receiving them. Being sarcastic or snarky was the easiest way out. "And I have a lot of time to prove I deserve those scores, but for now, can we please talk about something else? After four years of training, that's all I focused on. I need a bit of normality right now."

"Well, that's unfortunate because you're going to be hanging out with me until the day you die to make up for the time that you left me for four years," a familiar but lower-than-expected voice mused from behind me, making me stop in my tracks.

When I whirled around, my eyes widened at the tall omega a little ways away from me. "Robin?"

Robin laughed and gave me a boyish wink. "Hey, Maemae." He was about six foot one now, with the same bright red hair and goofy clown-like grin. Robin had filled out a lot, unlike the skinny stick of a kid I used to know. He looked so fit and old. He might have looked like an alpha if I didn't know better. He had a slim figure but defined muscles. Robin, my best friend in the whole world, had grown up right before my eyes. "What? Aren't you gonna give your favorite person in the world a hug?" Robin smirked, opening his arms. He gave me a dramatic, abandoned look, shaking his shoulders into a shimmy.

Before I knew it, I crashed into his arms, wrapping them around his torso. I squeezed so tight that he groaned, letting me go. "Whoah, Nelly, you've gotten too strong for your own good," Robin laughed, pressing his hands on his ribs as I let go. "Remember, delicate omega here."

"You don't look that delicate anymore. I mean, look at you?" I smirked, poking his fairly muscular biceps. "Are these real, or did you pump them up with air? Is it steroids? Don't tell me you're on steroids! Robin, how could you? I know you missed me, but this is just...."

"Haaaa, yes, I'm a druggie now. I've really gone downhill since you left. I kept wallowing until someone found me and offered me a little somethin'-somethin''' to cheer me up. I was curious and wanted to experiment, and that was it. My life as a drug addict began. Depressed people are a good target for drug dealers, you know? To think this is all your fault," Robin joked, slinging his arm around my shoulders. He turned to my parents. "I know you just got her back, but would it be horrible if I stole her for a little bit?" Robin asked, pressing his hands together.

"Of course, we can catch up tonight. She says she wants a little bit of normal...and if that's what she thinks you are, she's all yours. She deserves some rest," my dad laughed, putting his arm around my mom's shoulders.

"Go on. Be home by nine, Mae. We have a lot to talk about," my mom gave me a strange, overly excited smile that made me frown. What was she up to? "Corset and Elliot will be there too. They're excited to catch up with you."

"Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. I'll see you at nine!" I grinned, turning around with Robin. It felt so off, him being taller than me.

"Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Astor. Thanks for letting me dognap her," he saluted, dragging me away as I followed willingly.

"Alright, it's time for the truth, Robin Hood. What have you done to get this big? Linda must have balanced out your diet," I smirked as we headed toward his house. "But the right kinds of food can't give you muscles like this. Where did you steal them from?"

"I earned these bad boys fair and square," Robin sighed, flexing his biceps. "It came with a painful amount of growing pains and a lot of working out. Believe it or not, the ladies love watching me. I've become quite the bachelor in the omega dating world. Zale's not the only good-looking one in our family."

"Pfttt, why am I having a hard time believing that?" I snickered. "Remember when you asked your crush, Amy Winster, why she had a huge zit on her forehead in the middle of her presentation at school? After that, I thought you were a lost cause. You had no tact."

"Right, I totally forgot about that," Robin inhaled from his teeth, looking at the sky. "Not one of my finest moments."

"She was so humiliated. She cried for days," I shook my head in disapproval. "It was almost worse than when Zale broke up with Lexi Fawxes."

"Oh yeah, she slapped him in the face a couple of times, then ran away crying. He was fifteen then. Good times," Robin sighed, snapping his fingers. "Oh, that's right! You haven't seen him in forever, huh?"

"Uh, yeah. Eight years. Our academy time overlapped a little bit, so it's been a while," I said awkwardly. "How is he?"

"A complete doosh, as always," Robin immediately answered. "He's even gotten better looking, and like before, the ladies are all over him, but since he's gotten back from the academy, he's gotten worse, especially when it comes to women. He's seen with a new girl every week. I'm just glad he has his own house now. He's a cocky twenty-four-year-old man slut, to put it short."

Despite my disgust, I was barely phased. I knew he wouldn't have changed. The fact that he got even worse didn't shock me. "Yeah, well, no surprise there," I snickered. "I know he's your brother and everything, but you guys are the exact opposite."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Robin said, pridefully rubbing his nose. "He's going to be at an alpha party tonight, so he won't be around, in case you're worried that he might be hanging around the house."

"Oh, thank heavens," I sighed. "I don't have the energy to deal with that right now."

A tremendous amount of relief washed over me. Thank you, gods up above.

"Let's go. My mom can't wait to see you."

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