Chapter Eight

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I arrived home flustered, feeling dizzy from the after-effects of Zale's pheromones. My head spun as I stumbled up the steps of my house, pressing my hand against my mouth. I think I'm going to throw up. I thought wearily.

My parents had a more modern taste in houses, so they had more of a mountain-based American craftsman-structured house. It consisted of low-pitched triangular roofs, overhanging eaves with exposed rafters and beams, heavy, tapered columns, patterned window panes, sliding doors in the back deck, and a covered front porch. The outside wood was shaded with earth-toned colors, warming the property's environment. 

I was too lethargic to look around and reminisce like I had at Robin's, so I just made my way to the large door ahead, twisting the golden doorknob and fumbling inside. I needed my inhibitors. I was going to kill Zale. 

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I sighed, leaning against the wall. I didn't want them to know I ran into Zale. How was I going to explain my condition to them?

"Mae! Welcome ho--" Corset was the first to rush to the door. Her eyes widened with worry when she saw my sickly face. She rushed towards me. "My dear, what happened to you?" She put her hand on my forehead. "What in the world? Are you in heat?"

"You could say that," I mumbled. "A few alphas were passing by after their party, and the pheromones got to me."

My lie came out too easily, in my opinion. It both made me relieved and worried.

"Your first day back, and you're already getting sick," Corset sighed, helping me to the living room. My dad sat on his favorite chestnut-colored leather sofa by the fireplace, going through a stack of papers with his glasses on. 

When we walked in, my dad looked up from his papers and took his glasses off. "Mae?" His voice was full of worry. "What's wrong, sweetie? Why do you look so pale?"

"She got hit with some pheromones on her way back here, and they made her sick. I guess a group of alphas got drunk and let their pheromones loose in the area," Corset answered in my place. She sounded bitter. "We're going to have to talk to that group. They're always doing this. It's inappropriate, whether Mae's here or not. They have no regard for the other members."

"Yes, I've been meaning to talk to them. I know there are a lot of young adults trying to find mates, but it's gotten out of control lately," my dad agreed. "Corset. Set her down on the couch and get Abigail in the kitchen. She has some inhibitors that should help Mae calm down."

"Of course," Corset nodded, pulling me to the plushy black couch in the middle of the living room. The soft carpet underneath tickled my feet as I treaded through the room. Corset placed me on the couch, throwing a weighted blanket over my body. "You have a fever. You need to sweat it out. Keep the blanket on while I go get your mother."

I silently nodded, laying down as I wrapped myself in the thick linen sheet. Corset rushed out of the room. "Dad, where's Elliot?" I mumbled, closing my eyes. I felt so tired. 

"He's outside on a short patrol run. He'll be back any second now," my dad said, kneeling beside me. "Just close your eyes, sweetie. Don't try to talk."

"I'm fine. I just feel a little nauseous," I lied. My body was on fire, my head was throbbing, and I felt lethargic. On top of that, all I could think about was Zale's pheromones and how good they smelled. "I'm sorry. I should have come prepared. I need to get some inhibitors tomorrow."

"No, it's not your fault. You've been gone for four years, so you haven't had any use for them. I doubt you could've gotten your prescription on the mainland either," my dad sighed, stroking my hair to calm me down. That was when I noticed I had begun to shake. "Hold on, your mom should be here with the inhibitors any seco--"

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