Wall Flower

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The towns and the faces were starting to bleed together now. Most people were hiding from the cold in the comfort of their own homes. Lord Death's minion shivered in the snow as Chrona approached them.

"You're pathetic." Chrona spat. Here was her fearsome opponent, a death scythe with an anti-magic wave length, was reduced to tears at her feet. She cut her wrist and let the black blood flow. It didn't take long for the whole town to be coated in the slick black substance, all uniform and pristine as it spindled long fibers into the death scythe's mouth. He choked on the bitter flavor and his own tears, clearly unfit to sustain madness. With a merciful strike, she ended his misery. The black blood enveloped his still form and solidified into a sphere above the ground.

Chrona casually offered Ragnarok the soul, through the haze of madness. He sluggishly downed the offering. No exceptions could be made; if a soul was unfit for madness, they were to be erased. Even the people she now cared for. She crumpled in on herself, her skin felt like it was on fire. Like a corset laced too tight, she could feel Ragnarok's soul brushing up against her's. It sickened her. Ragnarok howled as his snout was elongated further and the hands that once held swords stretched into thin, jagged wings. Even with ninty nine souls, he could barely contain her anymore.


Kid angrily tossed bits of rubble into a dented trash can. He'd arrived to the Sarcophagus early and there wasn't much else to do. Cleaning offered him a little thing he could control.

An engagement? For him!? What did his father think, that Kid was too incompetent to find his own wife? There were several girls that would gladly kill to hear the time of day from him, let alone marry him. He had enough power and money to woo any number of girls that would impress his father. Not that he wanted to. They had already been through this when his father tried to pick out his own weapons for him, and yet it kept happening.

"That's a little pointless, don't you think?" Chrona had gracefully landed on an upended slate of asphault. She watched the boy jolt and fixed his appearance before facing her. How odd.

"Chrona!" Kid's face flushed."You...umm... look nice." Very odd.

"Really?" She asked. "I always feel tired after I've killed someone." His face blanched briefly, so he knew, and yet he was still here. He didn't run; only shook his head, muttering something to himself under his breath. He smiled at her sadly and Chrona wondered just how much he knew, yet over looked. This mild curiosity grew. What kind of person saw something in her she long assumed was dead? Was it a good sort of stubborn, or a dangerous kind?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." How could he be so dense? Of course Chrona had continued to aid Medusa, what other choice did the girl have? She was bound by the choices of her guardian, much like he was. Struggle as he might, he couldn't overrule his father's plans directly. That didn't make this situation change any. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder and looked up to meet a confused gaze.

"You're not rude," Chrona said, "it's no big deal." She didn't quite understand what he was feeling, but she knew guilt when she saw it. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"Oh no, it's not your fault." Kid said. "It's just... One minute I think I know everything and the next the world just seems to turn over. I can't control anything anymore and I hate it!" He held his head in his hands. "I'm a disgusting, pitiful creature that can't even decide what to do with my life without a million limitations first. I don't ask for much; but the one time I really want something to change, you'd think my father would actually listen." He sat down on a warped park bench. "He's always been like this. Growing up, I wasn't allowed to talk with other children. I wasn't allowed to go to school until I enrolled myself and literally fought to stay there. Every time I think I'm finally making my own decisions, I find myself back in line!" He heard Chrona chuckle behind him. "What?"

Daughter Of Madness [Kid X Fem!Chrona]Where stories live. Discover now