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"D-Dammit..." A low groan escaped the Flame Hashira's mouth. He laid his head back, resting on the futon pillow. 

"... Erm... D-Damn- Dammit!!" Kyojuro squeezed his eyes shut, choking on his moan.

"D-Dammit... (Y/N)... This... This is your fault..." He sat up rubbing his head. "I feel so disgusted... But I couldn't help it... I pleasured myself... Thinking of (L/N)-san... How disgusting of me..."

"Who is (L/N)?..." The young child spoke to himself, running away from his elder brother's room. Senjuro's mind was filled with the sound of his brothers grunts and moans. He quickly dashed into his room, sliding the door close before climbing onto his futon and covering himself with the blanket. 

"Big brother likes a woman... (L/N)... That name... It's the last name of the Death Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corps... But... After doing some research through my fathers books... (L/N) sounds so familiar..." The young boy shook away the thought, closing his eyes and forcing himself to sleep.

"Iguro-san, I highly doubt the demon is alone... But, if it is an upper moon, then it is most likely alone." (Y/N) spoke slowly, her words drifting like small slurs.

Obanai placed his hand on the hilt of his blade, prepared to fight.

(Y/N)'s head suddenly snapped to the side, staring at the rustling bushes. Suddenly, a hand crawled out of the bushes. What looked to be closed eyelids were on the back, causing (Y/N) to tilt her head in confusion. 

Obanai hesitated before walking towards the hand. His eyes narrowed with anticipation as he slightly raised his blade. 

The eyelids suddenly opened on the pale hand. The bright blue blinded the two hashira. Obanai's eyes closed as he fell on his back, losing his grip on his blade. (Y/N)'s eyes locked with the hand's eye. She wobbled, but kept her balance. The eye seemed to hypnotize her, drawing her in. Everything seemed to become emotional in her body. Her arms became less tense and relaxed. Her chest rose and fell more clearly. She continued to stare back at the eye, trying to fight it. Memories flashed through her head, like her mind- no, something was choosing a dream for her, or at least trying to. 

(Y/N) grabbed her blade hilt, pulling the sword from its sheath but froze. Her body tensed up once more as she dropped the blade.


(Y/N) collapsed on her back, her eyes widened. She could feel and hear her heart rate increase. The constant beat made her head pound. She gasped for air before passing out.

"Hm. What a funny woman." Lower moon one whispered to himself as he walked towards the sleeping female. He bent over her, blocking the moonlight from her upper body. A small smirk came across his face.

"Oh. I see why you're so strange. Your dream is- Oh. How cute." The demon chuckled, reaching for the woman's (H/L), (H/C) bangs, moving them off her face. "Maybe your her."

"It's snowing..." The young girl walked through the snow covered forest. The child's small and frail body trudged through the thick snow. Every lift of her leg caused a heavy breath to escape past her lips. The snowflakes coated her eyelashes, causing heavy eyelids and blurry vision. 

Everything felt so peaceful, yet, something felt off to the girl. She shivered, gritting her teeth. Her small, frozen hands gripped her black haori tightly as she began to sprint across the snow. 

The snow seemed to slow as she ran. The world seemed to slow. Everything slowed. As if someone or something was preparing to happen. Perhaps a death? A chase? A murder? Perhaps the child was going to die.

Her body was beginning to freeze more as she sprinted. Her fingers became numb. Mucus spilled from her reddened, cold nose.

Ice. The snow became thick and heavy like ice. Hail hit the child's head, causing her to stumble in her sudden sprint.



"Look sister, its the little brat!"

The child dove into the snow In front of her. She lifted her head, finding herself shaded beneath a home built in the trees.

"Master Kokonshi's home."

A demon suddenly jumped down before the child, smiling sadistically. "Your head will give me all the attention I could ever ask for from my master!" The demon smiled as she raised a clawed hand. 

Fire lit in the demon's hand as she swung it towards the child's neck. 

"Ruma! Behind you!" Another demon shouted, dashing across trees as a thick black cloud followed behind her closely.

Suddenly, a woman appeared behind Ruma, cutting her raised hand and kicking her to the side.

"Mei you imbecile! You should've killed her!"

"I'm dealing with one of her stupid blade techniques!"

The woman figure grabbed the child's arm, lifting her up. 


"Wake up! Wake up (Y/N)! Wake up!"

Sorry to leave ya on a cliff hanger!!!! 🙃

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