♡Love is a Dangerous Game♡

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"... You didn't capture her?... You left her because your neck was about to be bloodied?.. You've disappointed me, Enmu."

"Master, please, forgive me."

Upon hearing Muzan-sama and Lower One speak, I couldn't help but feel obligated to think back.

I remember the woman's hair. It's shiny (H/C) hue. Her (E/C) eyes, bright but dull at the same time. The latter of the two traits pissed me off, though. Her eyes never had any mischief. No bloodlust. Not a single ounce of desire nor horror. Just eyes.

She wouldn't attack me because I wouldn't attack her...

Sometimes, I regret my decision. I regret not killing her. I regret talking to her. The way she easily transitioned from subject to subject. She would talk about the blood on her hands, then talk about flowers the next minute. She knew how to ignore the worries of the world, as well as embrace the evil of the world. She was incredible.

But she died.

I remember the day of her death. I watched her enter that small village. She walked to her daughter's house... Then, never came out.

I never felt the urge to cry until then. I felt lost. Someone who I was possibly friends with had died. I knew she did. I could hear her heartbeat, but I couldn't when it disappeared. I couldn't smell her blood.

It felt like an eternity that night. I sat in a tree, watching the house she entered with anger. Then, I heard it once more. The sound of her heartbeat. It was the same slow and gentle rhythm. I remember gasping when I saw the house door open.

Her daughter walked out, holding a baby. A newborn. The baby had her heart. The baby's eyes were slightly closed, but I still stared at them. I stared at the color with great intensity.

Only then did I want to take the child, but that was against my morals.

"Akaza. If you continue to think of those women and I'll give your position to Hantengu and dispose of your wishful head."

I flinched slightly, clenching my fist as Muzan chastised me. I bowed my head, mumbling an apology.

The bloodlines and family heritage is about to get complicated! Hold on everyone!

                                       -Miss Umi

The Deadly Woman (Yandere KNY x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now