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No matter what the demon tried, he couldn't bring himself to kill the other demon.

A female of grace and beauty. Everything was so perfect about her. And, she could walk in the sun. He wanted this. He wanted the demon to be his personal pet. To fulfill his every desire. He did not need a flower. He needed her.

Her soul was something so impure. It was beautiful. She could emerge from the deaths of Hell and would still look like an angel from Heaven. But, there was one issue.


The one thing he had lost was the one thing she had. She was more human than demon, to be exact.

But then again, she wasn't a demon. No, he only called her that because she was capable of living more than a hundred years. She was a mortal. A human who still had a beating heart. A human with irresistible and unstable beauty and strength.

It would be insane to say she was ugly.

Muzan couldn't bring himself to absorb her so he could walk in the sun. He would tear into her flesh in non-fatal areas to see if he would gain the power. But no. He couldn't. The infatuation and irritation grew.

He needed to have this woman. He wanted her body. He wanted everything.

But of course, all good things come to an end.

When Akaza brought the news of the woman dying, Muzan wanted to cut his tongue out.

He returned to the large library where he had done so much of his research and trashed it. He slammed his fists into the bookshelves. Books flew everywhere. Pages tore. Wood was cut clean in half.

Muzan will never forget the woman. And her words.

"Humanity is only a piece of this world. Hell is only a home for those without it. Heaven is a place for the rehabilitation of living. So which would be better? A place of eternal death and little to no reincarnation? Or a place of returning to the world and reliving a life that could prove to be excruciating."

"Kibutsuji. I will never fall to you."

"You are not worth my time, Kibutsuji."

Muzan growled slightly, sitting at a table in one of the many rooms upon the Infinity Castle. He remembered the woman walking away, holding a baby girl in her arms.

The mother was nothing like the child, and even worse, it drained her life force. She was dying, he could tell. By the age of 30, Kikamae, the woman's daughter, had a female child.

The woman's life force was truly drained. He could see it through Akaza's eyes.

Muzan was ready to kill Kikamae and her children. Every last one of them.

And when he did, fourteen years ago, he felt more alive than ever. He was happy. He was pleased to know he could continue his search for the Blue Spider Lily in peace.

"But of course, the daughter got away."

Muzan spoke deeply as he grabbed a village woman's arm and tore it from her body, relaxing at the sudden scream of horror and pain.

As Muzan devoured the woman, he couldn't help but wonder what (Y/N)'s blood tasted like. He was almost dying to find out.

"Who are you?" (Y/N) said as she swung her blade in slow motions.

There was no light in this place. It was a simple, endless void. And the scarlet red eyes had appeared.

"A demon."

"Be specific."

"The demon who killed your family."


The Demon King chuckled before fading away, leaving (Y/N) to train in a way so familiar to Muzan.

His dear flower was reborn.

The Deadly Woman (Yandere KNY x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now