Making it up 💕

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Ammu's Pov

I woke up when I felt something heavy on my waist which caused pain. I groaned and opened my eyes to see...


Mr Rathore. So close to my face. Inches apart. We breathing the same air. He is holding me tightly. Hand around my waist. My head on his arm. Legs tangled. My heart flutters at the sight. His eyes closed, long lashes, sharp nose, a little stubble, sharp jaw line, slight pink lips parted, messy hair caressing his forehead, his hot body, six pack abs.....

He is hot.
My husband is hot as fuck.

He started stirring in sleep and frowning. I was looking at him with awe.

He is stirring in sleep woman!!!!
Oh well!


I panicked. I don't know what to do. So I just closed my eyes and layed there like I was laying before avoiding my heart which is running a marathon.

I can feel him moving. His breath went some far away from my face.

He is getting up.
Did he felt uncomfortable?

As I thought that he pulled me more closer burying his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled.

Fuckitty fucking butterflies

Then he sighed. He stayed there for some fine minutes and moved his head back. He is staying still.

What is he doing?

Then I felt him caressing my cheeks.

Fuck control....

I felt him touch his nose with mine and hands cupped my cheeks.

Oh! God....
Iam having a heart attack.

He stayed there sometimes and whispered,

"I am sorry. I didn't know you will feel bad. I... I don't know how to..... Urghh... I was frustrated. I am sorry. I promise I will make it up to you"

Awww cute!!!

My cheeks started heating up. I controlled the urge to pull his cheeks.

Wait what???
He said sorry.

Holy moly Fucking duck fucks

HE SAID SORRY........ 

Then I felt his hold breath near my cheeks.

What is he doing?

I felt his hot soft lips on my cheeks. He kissed me. On my cheeks.

Okay I am going to die
I need help
Call the ambulance

I am trying my best to not to show any emotions in my face and to keep my face maximum poker.

Soon I felt one more kiss on my jaw. And one more next to it.

What is he doing?
Oh god! I want to do it when I am awake.

Do what?
No no
But... He is my husband.

My heat pulsed a little, when he caressed my waist a little and drop one more kiss below my jaw.

Why is my core burning?

Then I heard him groaning,

"Urghh..... You are making me go insane Mrs Rathore. I don't want to take advantage of your sleeping but you are fucking irresistible"

His Mrs.RathoreWhere stories live. Discover now