2: The Break-up

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Irene had just gotten off of work and was feeling eager to see her boyfriend, Junri. She missed him and wanted to see him again after not seeing him for three days, which was odd considering how often they usually hung out. But recently, he had been acting strange, almost as if he was trying to avoid her or was acting distant. She didn't know what was going on, but felt a sense of foreboding as it seemed like something wasn't right between them.

Irene took care to keep her appearance neat and professional. She pulled her hair into a sleek ponytail, then removed her bluelight glasses and stored them in their case. After turning off the lights and locking the office door, she grabbed her bag and headed out to her car.

Once she was inside the car, Irene sent a text message to Junri, only to see that it was read but not responded to immediately. Disappointed and anxious, she let out a huff and stepped on the gas, driving towards his house. She was determined to find out what was going on with Junri's behavior and put an end to any issues that may be causing the distance.

Irene arrived outside Junri's house, maintaining a calm facade on the outside but feeling as if her heart was beating out of her chest on the inside. She felt overwhelmed with anxiety, as if she could pass out at any moment. The uncertain tension that permeated the air, the lingering questions in her mind, they were all feeding into her growing anxiety and sense of dread, what if she knocks on the door and she heard a girl? What if he is cheating on her?

Irene raised her hand to knock on the door, but suddenly, she stopped in her tracks and lowered her fist. She heard something that caught her off guard, it sounded like a girl giggling. Her heart sank as she realized that something was not right. Was this really happening to her? She stood there, frozen in place and listening to the giggling, trying to process the situation.

Irene's heart sank into her chest as the realization of her situation hit her like a punch to the nose. She was stunned and unable to move. She just stood there, staring at the door, trying to process what was happening. She was unable to even act like a jealous girlfriend and bang on the door, she was just stuck in shock, frozen in place, trying to make sense of this whole situation.

Irene slowly regained a grasp on herself and managed to knock on the door. As soon as she did, the giggling stopped, and her heart dropped further. The possibilities were running through her head, this could be a nightmare, or a prank. Was Junri really doing this to her? Her mind was reeling with questions and uncertainty, and she just stood there, waiting for someone to open the door so she could find out the truth of the situation.

With her heart pounding so loudly she could barely hear herself think, Irene waited at the front door for Junri to come to it and open it. She was flooded with so many different emotions, it was almost too much to handle. She felt a sense of dread and anxiety, mixed with anger and hurt. All her mind kept coming back to was the fact that he was doing this to her, and she wanted to know why.

She stepped back and anxiously awaited the door to open, she was ready to confront Junri about the giggling sounds she had heard. She wasn't sure how he would react, but she was determined to get to the bottom of things.

After a moment, Junri opened the door, and Irene immediately let her thoughts flood out of her. "What was that giggling I heard?" She demanded, her voice filled with anger and betrayal. How could he do this to her?

Junri looked at Irene with a blank expression, his face showing no emotion whatsoever. He remained silent for a moment before finally responding, with a voice that bordered on indifference. "What giggles?" His tone was almost taunting, as if he was daring Irene to prove what she had heard was not real.

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