The Sibling fight.

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We glare at each other not saying anything. "Thank you for helping me." I say as I stand by the door frame. "No problem!" Meadows says. "Wait wait wait!" Meadows says as he runs behind me. "What do you want?" I say as I turn around.

"Nothing I just want to see your room." He says. "No for what?" I say as I cross my arms. He walks past me and goes to my room as I follow him. "Camilla!" He yells. "What it's not my fault!" I say to him. Alex and Maxson come as we scream at each other.

"Look at your sheet, it's like you have murdered a person!" Meadows says as he points at my sheet. "Well it's not my fault that you were so angry and you had to break the vase!" I say to him. Maxson walks to my bathroom to see if there anymore blood and yes he did yell for Meadows.

"Meadows, come look at her sink!" Maxson calls from my bathroom. Meadows looks at me then he walks to the bathroom. "Camilla what was your problem?" Meadows says in a stern voice. "You didn't even bother to put a bandage on your hand?" He says as he looks around my room.

"She did! Look at her sheets." Alex says as he picks up the bandage that was covered in blood. "Okay Camilla it's your responsibility, not ours!" Maxson says. "So from now on your gonna have to do everything on your own!" He says as glares at me. "Maxson are you mental, or do you have no common sense at all?" Meadows yells at him.

"Yeah, we have to take care of her because she's the youngest and she got no one else." Alex says as he looks at Maxson. "We have to keep her in our sight so nothing happens to her!" Alex says. "If we have to keep her in our sight then why did she cuts her hand?" Maxson says as he crosses his arms.

"Maxson keep your mouth closed!" Meadows yells at him. "Please stop fighting!" I yell at them. "It's was my fault that I was so stupid to pick up the broken vase that was on the floor!" I say in a stern voice. I walk out of the room and go downstairs to get breakfast.

As I was about to get breakfast I heard a knock on my door and I knew it was Nightshade. I went to the door and opened it. I was right it was her but she had something in her hand like a tiny box that was covered in a cloth. "Heyo, Nightshade!" I say as I was about to hug her.

"How are you?" Nightshade says excitedly. " I'm good thanks!" I say. "So what do you wanna do?" I question. "Okay first thing I want to do is ask you a question, what happened to your hand?" She says as she narrows her eyes brows. "Oh I was just picking pieces of a broken vase."I say as I smile.

"I swear this Nightshade is stuck to Camilla!" Meadows whispers to Alex and Maxson as they watch from upstairs and then the next thing you know is my brothers come downstairs angry,raging with anger. I knew that something wasn't alright.

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