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It's dusk..

Talking to cor was all you could do, after waking up in the middle of it all, just zoned out, you felt like you just got sober from being drunk, asking 21 questions about anything to her but good thing your friend cor was always here to listen.

But something ticked her off.

CORY: "Look but maybe if we just call the cops and report this dude, We don't have to handle this anymore!"

YOU: "I ain't calling the cops for this!, what if he just hunts me down.. harder??"

CORY: "Pfft what??"

YOU: "Shut up!, look I'm just saying I don't wanna deal with the cops and all this drama and it's just-"

CORY: "Dude, He tried to Murder. You, and your telling me your okay with that!?, what if he destroys the house?? This isn't no weekly visit and I don't want you to get hurt!"

YOU: "Well it's not like we can go anywhere!"

The small talk soon turned into yelling, Cor is trying to explain to you with much reasoning. But your just being a snob and rolling her off in this conversation, As if you wanted to be murdered or..

See him again.

CORY: "Look im done!, here I am trying to protect your ass and you over here bullshiting me y/n!, you want this nigga to come over? Hunt us down? Thrash the house? I'm not having it!, my dad's a cop we can get out of this why are you being so complicated?? And you know I'm right!"

YOU: " Look I'm sorry, it's late"

CORY:" Don't put this excuse on the night!"

YOU: " I don't know what's wrong with me cor, it's just-"

CORY:" Save it. "

YOU: ".. Cor please-"

You rose up from the bed, your reasonings were sloppy and you were just pushing this off.. The guilt sunk in, he just wants to kill you.. Playing around with you like that wasn't a sign get out of the clouds! Why the hell are you so complicated??  The hell is wrong with you? You just had to dream or think out here, It's not like that out here!.

YOU: "I'm.. sorry your right I'm.. fucking stupid."

You hated getting corrected, Or apologizing for your mistakes, it was a flaw you had, and you always had this tingling feeling in your mouth, This itch over your body, The itch to punch, scream, Rip your hair, your being petty, And you know so, you can't help but feel bitter though, since you never really had anyone apologize for there mistakes to you, So why should you right? Wrong thought of choice, it is wrong, but you don't care don't you? You never cared, only about yourself huh?..


Your just.. hurt. Whether it's butt hurt or not.

You still are.. hurt-

YOU: "I-i apologize.."

Your words come out your throat just clear, But it felt like venom the way down, The guilt spinning in your head at this sickening hour, but cor is your friend, the bestest friend!.. Man who cares!?, you scream at yourself in your head, Why are you like this!? So damn snarky and inconsiderate, yet passionate and empathetic towards others, You hate to upset Cory, but you apologizing and agreeing your wrong was a really hard thing to do.  But for  cor? You'd do it anyways. Even if she was just like the others.

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