Chapter 81: Father & Son Time!

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*No sex in this one... then again if you saw the title and came here expecting it, then you've come to the wrong book my friend... Only kidding, everyone's welcome. Enjoy!*


Logan's home and alone with the kids and Alexis, it's weird but it feels like it's home, really home, he comes through the door and see's Sir Stanley and Bronson both excited to see him, then he'll find Alexis just being the perfect mother for their kids and it'll warm his heart more then anything ever has, Logan's had it all, everything anyone could ever want but the one thing he wouldn't want to ever lose is Alexis, Aelin and Arlo, their his life and nothing is going to take them from him, even when one of the babies cries them both awake at 2 in the morning making them both stir.

Alexis: Get up, it's your turn.

Logan sighed as Alexis moved off him and let him swing his legs out from the bed, he can already tell it's Arlo that's making all the noise, you can just tell these things when your a parent, also because Aelin is actually quite good and will sleep through the night, Logan wiped his hands over his face for a second before getting up and walking across to the babies room, seeing what he already knew, Aelin sound asleep and Arlo making all the ruckus.

Logan: Hey buddy, what's with all that noise?

Arlo did calm down a little when Logan approached him but not too much, the boy didn't smell so it wasn't that, which left one of two things, he just wants attention or he's hungry either way it can be sorted with just a few minutes of father and son time, so Logan picked up Arlo, making sure to keep him wrapped in the blanket, it's still Winter and he doesn't want his boy to get too cold.

Logan: Okay, it's not cuddles. So you must be hungry...

Logan cradled the boy in his left arm and walked over to the little fridge that's disguised as a small cupboard, it's gotten to the point where Alexis can't feed them both when she needs to or when they need her to, so she's been using this pump thing and storing a few bottles, apparently their good for a few days so all Logan needs to do is take one out, put it in the bottle warmer thing they bought and wait for a couple minutes, it's a pretty good set up to be honest, most people would store all their bites and bobs in one place but Alexis and Logan have baby stations all over the house, making their lives so much easier then running around after everything.

Logan: ... Look at this, 2 days old, it's a vintage flavour.

Logan chuckled to himself pretending that it's like a wine but it's not, it's his soon to be Wife's breastmilk, Logan honestly had no idea she's be able to do that since she had implants when she was younger but he's not complaining, now their bigger then ever and a lot of fun to play with.

Logan: Well, if your not going to laugh then I'll keep my jokes to myself.

Arlo didn't want anything other then his bottle, Logan knew that but it's 2 in the morning, he's got to make this at least a little bit enjoyable for himself or what's the point, other then feeding the kid obviously, so Logan just sat on a nearby rocking chair, it's for Alexis when she feeds the kids but screw it he's here now so he can claim the seat for a moment.

Logan: How about a story, about a man who slayed a Dragon to save a Princess?

Logan was talking about the story of Saint George, he doesn't know how far the story has come worldwide wise but in the UK, you'd have learnt about George slaying a Dragon at some point in your school life, Logan liked to think the story was a little about his life, only Logan's the helpless Princess and Alexis is his knight in shinning armour, the money was his Dragon, sounds better in his head but it's still another reason for him to love the mother of his kids.

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