Touchy- Nelson N.

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The time for the first episode of Keeping up with the Neumann's had finally come. The camera crew arrived early Monday morning to start the filming process. The intro began playing with Nelson giving a house tour. "We got the dining room to the left, to the right we got the living room," he started, walking up the stairs. "Man, forget all the other stuff. We going to my room," he pointed to himself. He opened the door and walked in. "We got the floating bed with my hot girlfriend on it," he said, jumping on the bed beside her. Y/N looked up from her phone and smiled at him before kissing him. 

"Anyways," he pulled away smiling, cheeks red. "To the right we got my Adidas wall, to the left we got the Nike wall and some of Y/N's shoes. We got my nickname, Nelson the Prodigy. We got my TV, that's where I be playing the game-" "Literally all the time, every second of the day," Y/N cut him off.  Nelson mugged her in return. He yapped about 2k for a few more seconds before walking over to the couch. "Where you be chillin' at?" the camera man asked Nelson. "Right here," he replied, jumping on the couch. Y/N happened to be walking past him, so he pulled her down on top of him. She gave him a mean look before wrapping her arm around his waist and laying her head in the crook of his neck. The camera man asked him how he blew up so fast, making Y/N look at him. He went on about how thankful he was for Cam before Y/N spoke up. "We're supposed to be doing a house tour and your over here yapping," she informed him, sitting up.

Once Noah and Niles had their turns doing their parts of the house tour, it was time for the brothers to go to practice. The camera got some videos of the boys making shots and some interviews with their coaches before coming over to Y/N, who was sitting on the ground beside Cassie doing schoolwork. Nelson walked up and sat beside her, laying his head in her lap. She started running her fingers through his curls, making him close his eyes. "So, you guys have been together for like 2 years, right?" the camera man asked her, making her nod. "How has it been seeing him grow on social media and one of his goals being to make you proud?" She thought before giving her answer. "Seeing him grow on social media has been good and bad you know. All the attention is good and bad but he's also getting the recognition he deserves. And as far as his goals, he doesn't need to worry about me, he's already made me beyond proud and he knows that," she finished, looking down at the blonde.


The next clip was of Nelson cooking for the family at night. He was putting the pot on the stove as Y/N sat down at the island going on her phone. "Ow I just fucking burnt myself," Nelson yelled, running over to Y/N and laughing with his head on her back, she smiled and shook her head. Nelson put the ramen in the pot and spilt the water everywhere, "Bro you can't cook," Y/N laughed. "Bro yes I can," he defended himself. Once he was done, Niles, Noah and all their friends came down and sat beside Y/N. He gave them all a bowl before going to stand beside Y/N, laying his head on her shoulder. They all counted down from 3 and took a bite, everyone immediately spitting it out. "Are y'all deadass? Babe is it really bad?" he asked his girlfriend. "Uhhhh it's okay," she spoke truthfully and shrugging. 


Finally, it was time for dinner before Noah's game. The couple, Niles, and Noah all loaded up into Noah's gray jeep and drove to the hibachi place. Noah started talking about how none of his team was playing and the camera flipped to the backseat on Nelson and Y/N. They were holding hands with Y/N's head on Nelson's shoulder while they scrolled through TikTok. "They are so gross," Niles and Noah agreed. Y/N flipped them off in return. They arrived at the hibachi place and sat down. The hibachi guy threw rice in everyone's mouth, and they all caught it besides Nelson. "Nels you suck," Y/N said with her mouth full of sushi. Nelson rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

They paid, left, and drove to Noah's school for his game. They talked to Noah's coach before walking into the gym, Nelson and Y/N holding hands. When they walked in, everyone started to scream at the couple, making them wave and Nelson pull Y/N closer to him. They sat down on the bottom bleacher and watched the game. The camera guy put the camera on the couple as Nelson gave his feedback. The camera panned down to Nelson's hand, which was on Y/N's thigh, and her hand which was playing with his hair. The camera man asked Y/N's opinion, "Yeah, I'm really proud of Noah, he's going off, especially against his old team. He's the older brother I never had," she shrugged. The momentum completely shifted during the second half, Noah's team dominating. 

After the game, everyone came back to the Neumann's house and Spencer grilled food for everyone. The boys played basketball while Cassie and Y/N chatted by the pool. Once the food was done the boys came back into the backyard. "Baby, can you get me a plate?" Y/N asked Nelson to which he nodded in response. He grabbed their food and sat down beside Y/N. She took her place and put her feet in his lap. When everyone was done eating, Spencer put a fire in the firepit, and everyone sat around it. The couple sat in the same chair, Y/N on Nelson's lap with a blanket over them. The two were in their own little world, making small talk and messing with each other. "They're perfect for each other," Cassie smiled, looking over at the two, "She's the best thing that's ever happened to him."

A/N: 2-11-24, hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been busy with school and my boyfriend but I'm trying to update as much as possible this week!

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