Kenny Chao- Nelson N.

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Today, the RWE stars plus Y/N had been invited to do a Canes mukbang with Kenny Chao. Currently, the five of them were sitting on the couch on Nelson's back porch, box combos in their laps. "Alright guys, we're back with another video on Kenny Chao's channel," Nelson started doing the intro, "We got big daddy Lavar here, Y/N my wife, Camdarien Wilderness, and Kenward Chao." "Wow Y/N doesn't even get a cool name?" "What y'all talking' about? My wife is a cool name, it's facts," Nelson said offended.

Kenny asked Cam about his obsession with Rod Wave, having Cam sing his favorite Rod Wave song, which he ended up singing the wrong song but. Then, the four boys started dissing on White Castle and Whataburger while Y/N was chilling in the corner, feet on Nelson's lap, on her phone enjoying her Canes. "Anyways, let's learn about our 3 special guests over here. Alright, where y'all from, we won't say age because of uhm," Kenny and Nelson started dissing on Lavar's age. "We'll say age, where y'all from, how long y'all been hooping, and what y'all like about Coach Cam. Lavar you wanna go first?"

"Alright so, my name Lavar, I'm 13 you know what I'm saying," he said making everyone start dying. "I started hooping my 12th grade year, and things I like about Cam.... nothing." "What about Coach Cam?" Y/N asked him. "Oh, Coach Cam, Coach Cam is a great coach, and he gives me a lot of exposure, I love Coach Cam, but Cam, he's a bitch," Lavar finally finished. Next it was Nelson's turn. "Ok so me, I'm from Houston Texas, uh I'm 14-" "So wait your older than him? Your big bro?" Cam yelled stopping Nelson mid-sentence. "Yeah, I'm big bro. But uh I've been hooping since I was born. Steph Curry shit," Nelson finished, making Kenny hype him up. "Coach got a better shot than him though," "I don't think you made a single shot today," Kenny reviled, making Cam sputter for excuses. "Ok Y/N's turn." "Ok so," she began, locking her phone and setting it down beside her. "My name is Y/N, I'm 14, I don't play basketball but I've been playing (your sport) for 7 years," "Where are you from outer space?" "Oh shit. I'm from Houston anyways this food is really good," Y/N told the camera, taking a bite out of her food.

"How long have you and Nelson been together and how did you guys meet?" Kenny asked the girl. Y/N went to answer but Nelson cut her off making her smack him in the back of the head. "Sorry ma, my fault you answer," Nelson spoke in a high pitch voice, hands up in surrender. He put his hand on Y/N's legs that were still in his lap and started rubbing his hands up and down them in a comforting way. "Anyways, we've been dating for 3 years but you don't really count relationships when you're 11 so basically two years and we met at a tournament." "Yeah, I saw her cheering her cousin on and I thought she was cute, so I went and asked for her snap, which she obviously gave to me because I'm irresistible," Nelson smirked at the camera.

Cam did his introduction, which lead into the team talking about how they met, Y/N listening intently. Then they started talking about how many points they would score in the NBA, which was way above Y/N's pay range. "What was the most memorable AAU tournament?" Kennedy asked, leaning back. "Oh Y/N can answer this," "So basically, it was in Dallas. This kid asked for my snap and kept yelling very uhm rude and inappropriate things at me while he was on the court so Nelson fucking bodies him and gets ejected," she said taking another bite of her Canes. "Yeah, that shit was wild. I've never seen him so mad," Cam and Lavar agreed. "Nobody needs to walk about a girl like that, especially mine," Nelson shrugged.


The video was more than halfway over now.
Kenny asked Nelson if he would make it to college basketball and what his dream college would be. "Fun fact about Nelson," Cam started looking at Y/N to finish his sentence. "What me huh? Ohhhh this bitch doesn't play video games. He doesn't go outside and play, his recess is the gym. When he's in the gym, you can't get him to come out for hours unless it's serious," Y/N finished. "What about school? Do you guys go to school?" Kenny asked the young couple. "Nah they're homeschooled," Cam answered for them. "Oh, shit really? Both of y'all?" Kenny went on shocked. "Yeah, Cassie homeschools us, Noah, and Niles," Y/N added, taking a sip of her lemonade and laying her head on Nelson's shoulder. "That's cool."

"Alright the last question is for Y/N. Was it hard convincing your family to move all the way to Texas to live with Nelson and is it hard being away from your family all the time?" Kenny quizzed Y/N. She thought for a second. "Uhhhh convincing my mom was definitely not easy but once she met Cassie and saw how much I wanted to support Nelson full time she was a little more lenient. At first it was a definite no but once she saw how much we loved each other she was ok with it," she finished making Nelson smile wide and wrap his arm around her and everyone else awe.

"Being away from family is super hard though, especially seeing my older cousins get married and have kids while I'm across the country is terrible. But we go see them whenever we can. Sometimes we go regularly or sometimes it's a few months in between," she shrugged. "Does your family like Nelson? Nelson's family likes you," Lavar asked Y/N. "Oh my god yes they love me. Her mom is my best friend," Nelson interrupted. "Nelson shut up that was my question. Anyways, my mom hated him at first because he was not my type at all but once she saw how he treated me and stuff she was like oh ok yeah this kid is cool." "What about your distant family?" Cam pressed her even more. "Well, I'm an only child so he didn't have any siblings to impress but my cousins all play basketball, so they love him to death. My grandparents hate him. They're very strict so the idea of me living with him, I was like expelled from the family. And I moved away from them all the way to Texas so." "Oh my god. That's awful," Kenny said. "If they can't accept the person I love then I don't need to be in contact with them," Y/N finished shrugging and looking up at Nelson. "Alright guys, that's gonna do it for the mukbang. You guys know where to find these guys, Rod Wave Elite coming to a series near you." Nelson did the like goal before the video ended.

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