23. Two Unknowns

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The Irisar Plateau was expansive, but just like Grey had described, the surface of the moon was flat, consistent, and largely devoid of visual distractions. Occasional clusters of low, battered pines, intermittent streams, and endless stretches of moss-green rock were interrupted only by narrow fissures that cut across the surface like cracks in clay.

She'd also been right about the wind. Now that Mando was gliding Crest not far above the surface, searching for the shape of a man-made structure amongst the visual monotony of Cereda's surface, he was having to keep a strong grip on the yoke—an ongoing battle against the air's assault.

That must be it—a low, dark, almost perfectly round building, save for an entry bay jutting out of one side. It was either unexpectedly small or built like a bunker. Knowing that this was a largely subterranean world, Mando guessed the latter. He wanted to land right outside the door and burst in, but that would likely put an end to any chance of leaving in the ship afterwards. It needed to be left out of sight.

One of the rough rock fissures was only a kilometre away. He flew a broad arc, giving the base a wide berth, and lined the ship up over the crevasse as he began his descent. It was barely twice as wide as the Crest in places, but he'd flown far worse. Finding a near-flat spot at the base of the vertical walls, he set the ship down, grabbed his rifle and the phoenix, and blasted off into the searing wind.


Mando didn't like how easy it had been to enter the base. He hadn't yet seen a soul, and he was already down two levels. If this was, indeed, the right place, it was a sign that something had drawn everyone's attention away from surface security, and that something was probably Kayliff's crew.

It was almost certainly the right place. Although so far deserted, it was alive—panels and switches were alight, datapads lay abandoned on a meeting table, and he could just barely make out the faint but distinct chatter of ongoing communications. He followed the sound down a corridor. The door to its source was closed, but once Mando was directly outside, he could make out some of the phrases being desperately shouted back and forth across the monitored channels.

Squad Two Beta, report when you've reached thirty-eight, and keep active comms.

Squad Two Alpha, clear to engage on twenty, two unknowns still in the control room.

The door gave up both of its hinges as it was kicked open.


The tip of Mando's rifle was at the back of the man's head before he could press a single button.


Hands were raised.

Push back, away from the desk.

He did.

Now stand and turn, slowly, hands stay up.

The young man turned and Mando took in the crisp, dark uniform of a very scared, low-ranking Imperial officer. He knew instantly that Kayliff and his team had gotten more than they'd bargained for. There was no time to press the man to explain what the Empire was doing here, or what this was all about; that could be Grey about to take fire down on level twenty from a squadron of Troopers. He kept his rifle raised to the man's chest.

Show me where they are.

The man gestured backwards, only slightly, towards the small unit that was delivering the updates, sitting on the corner of the desk. It appeared to be the only active equipment in the cramped room, lined with darkened monitors and panels.

This... this is just a temporary audio recording station. I ... have no visuals. These have all been disconnected. That's down on eight now.

Radio them, tell them to stand down.

I... it's incoming only... recording and sending back to command.

Squad Two Beta ready at thirty-eight. Advise.

Your two unknowns are east wall, appear to be interacting with power regulation. Engage. Engage.

Two Beta engaging.

Mando looked the terrified man squarely in the eye.

Leave this room and don't do anything you won't have time to regret.

The junior officer stumbled over the fallen door and was gone. Mando reached for the unit—it was portable and he wanted ongoing updates. As he picked it up, a new voice emerged, desperate and shrill.

Initiate the sequence! Initiate the sequence!

What? Initiation isn't scheduled for three days.

They've compromised multiple systems; we're facing an array failure warnings, and some of the intruders are still active. Do it before they make it so that we can't!

...Understood. Initiating wipe-mining sequence.

Mando was racing down the corridor. Level twenty. As the lift doors slid shut behind him, the audio unit delivered its update: Sequence initiated—three minutes to full wipe. He didn't know what that meant but he knew it would not be good. Almost at twenty, the unmistakable timbre of a Trooper rang out.

This is Two Alpha. Female unknown has exited twenty using the service ladder, appears to be headed lower. In pursuit.

Squad Two Alpha would soon have more to worry about than a few unknown Rangers.


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