40. Here Was Everything

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The room was growing dim. There were lanterns that could be lit and a wood-stove that lay dormant in the corner, waiting for fuel, but they would not be tended to just yet. The universe was held still in a rare moment of quiet completeness. No thinking ahead, no looking back, only everything that was already there, exactly as it was. In fact, Grey might never let either of them move from how they were, at that moment.

Mando had so softly turned her back over, after he'd eventually pulled away, and had wrapped her cloak around her as he'd lifted her into his arms. She'd held onto him so tightly as he'd lowered them both onto the low, firm sofa, with her coming to rest straddling his lap. She'd refused to unwrap her arms from around him and he hadn't seemed to mind—slowly running his hands up and down her bare back, under her cloak, until she'd wanted to lean back to look at him.

It was right then, as Grey stared into Mando's helm, that time had seemed to slow and then fall away. Here was everything.

She brought her hands up slowly, as if reaching for something secret and off-limits. When she felt his smooth, Beskar face under her finger-tips, a smile bloomed across her face. Mando let her delicately trace her touch along every line and curve of his helmet. He even gave a small laugh when she got particularly curious about the sensors and range-finder at one side of it.

Can't resist figuring things out.

Hey, it's interesting.

He chuckled again, but then seemed to grow more serious.

I have something that belongs to you.

Grey tilted her head as a question and then wondered when she'd started doing that. Mando reached into a pocket on his belt and she caught sight of the polished metal that she'd studied every curve of so many times. He still had it, and she could have it back. She brought one hand over her mouth and closed her eyes and tried not to dwell on the shame of having ever let his signet pendant go. All that really mattered was now. She opened her eyes to find it, once again, sitting in his palm before her. She put her hands on his chest plate and looked into his visor.

Thank you.

She lowered her head towards him and felt the waxed cord slip over her hair once more. The smooth surface was cool on her bare skin as his signet came to rest. She would never again be without it.

Mando looked at it, back in its rightful place.

A clan of three. I hope one day you can meet our third.

Me too.

He touched his gloved fingers to the pendant.

You'd said you wanted me to kiss you again.

Grey's smile flared.

Yes, please. Do you have a blindfold? Or I can find something that will work.

He shook his head.


She thought he seemed almost nervous.

... a Mandalorian who follows the Way cannot show their face after they swear the Creed and take up their helmet... save for once, if and when they lay claim to someone, which not many do.

Grey forgot how to breathe as he continued.

I have broken the Creed, and have twice removed my helmet in front of others. I did it for the child, and it saved the both of us. But I seek to be redeemed and I will not break it again. If you choose to see my face, this will be the only time.

Grey was stunned at every sentence he had spoken, each for a different reason. All that she could focus on right now, however, was that she had the chance and the choice to see his face, just this once. Mando seemed to want to make sure that she understood.

If you think it would be easier to be happy never seeing, than to see only once and never again, then I can put the blindfold on this time, too.

As much as she could feel herself growing and opening and changing, she hoped that she would never lose her burning desire to know absolutely everything. She didn't hesitate.

I want to see all of you.

His hands squeezed her sides and then slowly moved up to the bottom edges of his helmet. She held her breath as the hidden latches softly clicked and the face that she knew and loved was lifted away. And yet there he was also. She shakily exhaled as she took in each part of his other face—parts that she'd felt while bound and blindfolded—the soft brown almost-curls that fell onto his forehead, the arc of his incredible nose, velvety skin, the short scruff of a soft beard along his jaw and around his mouth, and full lips that she could not wait to feel again. The only thing that she was entirely unprepared for were his eyes—deep and brown with a bottomless kindness that made complete sense while still causing her soul to trip over its own feet.

He was every good thing to ever exist, and she finally, fully recognized all of him. She brought her hands to his cheeks and beamed as her eyes brimmed with tears.


He smiled back, and her heart exploded.

I thought I might never hear you say my name.

There was no point in apologizing for waiting so long, or for being such an idiot. Everything was now and it was perfect.

Get used to it.

Din laughed, and she saw it, and would never forget it.

She pulled him forward and he kissed her, deeply, and she once again felt the waterfall of his warmth all around her. He kissed her hungrily and tenderly, slowly and like he couldn't get enough. She ran her hands through the locks of his hair. She kissed every part of his face, and felt such joy that she would get to again, and again, even if unseen.

Sensing that it was almost time, he again let her trace her hands along every line and curve, memorizing how it looked under her fingers. She would never, in all her life, be able to answer which of his faces was more beautiful.

Eventually, she brought her hands down, stared at this face one more time, and then nodded.

Din lifted his helmet from beside them, and settled it back into place. She fiddled with the ammunition on the strap across his chest with a shy smile.

Do you know I used to daydream about what "underneath Mando" might look like?

Is that so? When was this?

Pretty much all the time.

Is that so?

Grey could hear his smile.

Din saw her shiver. She was barely dressed underneath her cloak.

I can light a fire.

Yes, please. But first... you know I can't help being curious... you said you're seeking redemption, and the Armourer mentioned something about you not yet being able to return to the Tribe. Is there something you need to do?

He sighed, looked to the trees, now barely visible through the darkened windows, and then back to her.

I'd like to stay here for a couple of days, but then how would you feel about a trip to Mandalore?

Grey's eyes lit up at the promise of an adventure with Din.

I'd like that very much. Can we make a stop on Ogem, too?


The end.

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