LIAM!?!? (Chapter 2)

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It was dark outside the dark night howled at me as I walked to Liam's house I knew he was very comforting so I decided to go there.

As I walked up the smooth tan pavement I hoped that Liam would be home.

I camly knocked on Liam's door TAP TAP TAP, then Liam opened the door.

I felt a sigh of relief as I hugged him I started crying joyfully that he was home at least he would comfort me after the only two people I could trust lied to me.

"What's wrong love?" Liam said softly as he offered me to come inside his flat.

"Would you like some tea?" He said trying to comfort me.

You see thats what I like about Liam he always makes you feel good whether theres a smile on your face or not.

Liam is the person that you can go to when you have problems with someone or something.

Trust me he'll make your problems go away and you'll leave with a smile on your face.

I sat down on the couch as Liam poured me some tea.

I decided to go out with it, this wasn't worth holding in anymore.

"LOUIS CHEATED ON ME!!!!!" I screamed as I startled Liam and made him spill the tea.

After I said that i could'nt resist crying I was crying so hard it was like a waterfall coming out of my eyes.

"shhhhh, it's alright ,it's alright just come a little closer and I'll tell you the soulution to you problems." Liam said very quiet and soft.

Boom there it was Liam immidietly started snogging with me right then and there.

I can't believe I just did that. 

Me and Liam snogged for like five minutes straight!

Me and Louis haven't sngogged for that long ever!

What if Liam was right what if this is the solution to my problems.

Liam stopped for a moment and said "Is this the correct soulution?"

Out of nowhere I just said " I believe so, even though this feels so wrong I've never felt like this with Louis before."

OMG! did i really just say that.

What if Louis finds out about this.

you know what forget about Louis!

I could care less about him right now!

He cheated on me and now he's getting revenge.

"I forgot ! I still have Louis birthday present!" I said exitedly knowing that I'm totally keeping it for myself know after what he did.

"Which is?" Liam said very curiously

"I got him two tickets two Los Vegas one for me and one for him, I also have a penthouse sweet booked for tomorrow night ,which is Louis birthday of course."

I said happily because I have someone to go with.

Suddenly a smile grew bigger and bigger on his face.

"Wanna go?" I asked him very curiously.

"I don't know , the boys wanted me to come to Louis birthday party and I already said yes." He said nervously because he wasn't sure what I was going to do.

Finally I said "I'll go to the party with you but you have to be my date I wanna get revenge on Louis he still hasn't learned his lesson.






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