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The lines were as long as ever, a bustling crowd of people gathered to solve their financial problems at GlassCity Bank. The tellers all stood behind plexiglass as they spoke with each customer. Some passed cash or checks back and forth between them, clicking at computers as they looked up account numbers and gave out new cards. The cubicles were misleadingly quiet, as people discussed more private matters that could not be solved by a simple teller. All the employees wore higher end clothes, except for one; his name tag read "Will." As he nervously helped the woman in front of him, he kept adjusting his glasses which constantly slipped down from having too large of lenses.

Will already didn't like having to work at the bank, but his father and mother had insisted it was "a good opportunity," since he wasn't going to school anymore. The woman he was helping walked away, prompting the next person in line to step up, an older man. The man complained about how he was having difficulty getting his card to work, and upon inspection, Will noticed that the card itself was old and worn, meaning he would have to issue the older man a new one. Will put on a smile and turned to the computer to begin filling out the form for a new card.

That's when he felt it.

The nausea, the unease, the paranoia all set in at once, surrounding him like a fog of torment. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and his fingers froze above the keyboard, one of them was here. His fingers unfroze and he, as calmly as possible, finished the form and issued the new card to the old man, before looking around the bank, sweat streaming down his forehead. "Where? Where are they?"

That's when he saw them.

A group of five entered the bank, all wearing black clothes and carrying large duffle bags. The man leading the group bore a mark on his face, of a piece of dynamite. At first glance it looked like just a tattoo but Will knew better. It very well could be something much more than just that–a mystic symbol, a mark of power.

He tried to delude himself that maybe they just dressed weird, or were hired by management for God knows what. However, that delusion shattered when the man turned to his direction and gave an unnerving wicked smile. Almost as soon as Will saw it, flames formed around the leader and another member of his group. He gave off a visceral heat, of power, and of combustion. The man behind the leader had a visage of a hulking muscular bear behind him. The man grew in size, his muscles bulged, and his once loose shirt stretched under the press of them. Will felt that with one swipe of fist could snap a stone pillar like a toothpick.


Will snapped back to his senses, and he reached under his desk to press a red button. He knew that somewhere, a silent alarm had begun ringing in the nearby police department. Help would be on its way but Will had bigger problems to worry about.

The robbers reached into their duffle bags, and pulled out weapons.

As the leader pulled on his mask, his grin widened even further.

* * *

The bank was surrounded by police cars, with several SWAT teams waiting for the commissioner's word. There were over 70 hostages inside the multistory bank, all trapped by only five men, two of them were Mystics.

"Are we sure it's the Demolition Crew?" The Commissioner asked.

"It's confirmed sir, before the security footage cut out facial I.D had picked them up, no way we could miss Dynamo's S.O.P." The officer says, holding out a tablet and showing it to the commissioner. Pointing to the symbol on Dynamo's face.

His eyes narrow, "I need to make a phone call."

* * *

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