Chapter 6: Under the Nose

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Kate looked back towards the bed she had stayed in for the last week and slowly but surely, the covers began to rise until the shape matched that of her own. She had gotten much better at replicating beasts of a similar shape to her, meaning it was practically unnoticeable that she wasn't there. As quietly as possible, she creaked the window fully open. Cool air rushed into her hooded face as the lights of deep night filled her eyes. This house had two stories, so even though Kate was a cat-like chimera, simply jumping out of the window without care wouldn't be a good idea. Instead, she enshrouded her hands and shoes in shadow and carefully climbed out into open air. Using a spider's hairs to grasp onto the wall, she closed the window as carefully as she had opened it, leaving a small gap in the window for the off chance that she might want to return.

Slowly, she twisted and put her back against the wall, overviewing the city once again. With a deep breath, her options sifted through her mind. Right now, the streets below weren't as busy, but she'd rather avoid any unwarranted looks from strangers at this point. No one mattered right now, no one except her family. That's what she decided. She wouldn't waste any time dealing with the unexpected nature of anyone. And so she climbed upward to the roof, flipping over the railing. As she landed the shadows dissipated from her palms.

The feeling of freedom returned to her. It was a feeling she had been without for a while, making it so refreshing.

"Sorry, Ranger," Kate whispers to herself while looking out to the city, "that twilight may have been nice, but this view; this is my home." Night had fully taken over any remaining sunlight now, with dim and distant electric lights filling its place. A small smile formed on her face before disappearing just as quickly. No, I can't feel like this, not until I make sure they're fine. ...God, what if they're not even fine? She slapped her hands together on her face. Get a grip, Kate. Can't worry until I find something worth worrying about.

Kate leaped from building to building, forming an elaborate dance across the rooftops of various buildings. I hope they moved, and hopefully I can find them again. With each jump, leap, vault and flip across the dark city, her vain attempt to stay calm faded more and more. As she grew ever closer to their previous hideout, her heart began to beat heavily and her movements became slightly frantic.. From a distance, the building seemed abandoned–even moreso than it was before they made it into one of their hideouts. She walked over to the hole that was in the corner of the roof and dropped through it.

The small room smelled musty and damp, causing Kate to instinctively cover her nose with her arm. She walked through the doorway of the room and went through each room carefully. There was no sign of life, absolutely no trace of anyone in the entire complex. As she approached the final doorway, her ears instantly perked to attention. The door was laid on the ground, broken, with pieces scattered among the room it was entry to. Any small bits of furniture remained, but otherwise the room was barren. However, one thing did catch her eye, many boot prints parted the dust-ridden floor. She followed them to the back room to see that the window had been fully open. When they stayed here, this window had been the plan of escape if anyone ever tried to break in. If it was open, then that means...

"They made it out..." She says to herself with a sigh. In all of her fears, she hadn't even realized that she was holding her breath until she finally let it out..

* * *

Comfortability began to fade as the moon vied for darkness at the horizon. Soon, people would be beginning their day. Including that Ranger... Kate didn't intend to return, but the possibility stuck to her mind. Even if he played nice, that isn't a reason to drop her guard. After all, both Rangers and Rogues are predators who see her as prey to be hunted.

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