Chapter 1: Fireproof

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[In the year 20XX, a strange phenomenon began to spread across the world. People started exhibiting supernatural abilities that defied physics and all science at the time. The abilities came in waves, 6 in total over the course of 5 years. Each "wave" carried with it Mystic energy that some people were able to absorb. The event was called, The Mystic Waves, 10% of the world's population received an ability and another 10% received the ability to "perceive" or sense Mystics. The nations of the world quickly banded together and created their own programs to deal, utilize, and integrate Mystics into society. Together, they agreed on a term for this new program, The Ranger Initiative, a government program that would use willing Mystics to combat and fight the Rogues, Mystics that used their powers and newfound abilities to break the law and cause terror. Each city had its own select Rangers with its own Rogue issues to deal with, and this is just another tale...]

[Of Rangers and Rogues]

The door of the armored transport truck slammed closed with Bear and Dynamo inside. To the truck's side, Sol signed a clipboard that an agent had presented him with. All of this paperwork is the worst part of being a Ranger, Sol thought. He turned back to see the Commissioner loading in the other crew members into the GCPD van. Sol looked over to the ambulance that was currently being occupied by a younger looking man, one of the bank clerks with large glasses and a name tag labeled "Will". He looked fidgety, Sol figured it was just the shock.

"Well, we got them once again, son." The Commissioner said walking up to Sol and drawing his attention. He extends his hand and Sol shakes it.

"Let's just hope they stay put away this time, I'm getting a little sick of being called Bird Brain." Sol jokes with a smile.

"Yeah, well it looks like they'll be moved to Asphodel this time." The Commissioner says.

"Good, they should have been moved there a while ago, but you know..."

"Politics..." They both sigh at once.

"Speaking of which," Sol says after a moment, "I'm gonna have to fill out more paperwork back at HQ, if you need anything, just give me a call."

"There's a fair chance that I'll take you up on that offer." The Commissioner replies, beginning to walk away before stopping. "-And you should probably stop by a wardrobe on the way there."

Sol looks down at his scorched and tattered outfit.


"...My tailor's gonna kill me."

* * *

Sol walked into the large glass tower that dwarfed all other buildings around it, made of heavily shaded glass. With the way it was shaped, it resembled an obsidian spear that pillared into the sky. He walked through the large double doors and into the pristine interior with his bag in his hand, containing his ruined uniform. He waved to the janitor who waved back as he walked up to the main front desk. After signing in with the receptionist, he made his way to the elevator, where he placed his thumb on the scanner.

Sol stepped into the elevator, before selecting the lowest lab level. Yeah she's definitely going to kill me... As the doors opened he walked down the large all white hallway, the fluorescent lights gave off an extremely eerie feeling to this corridor. Kind of fitting for a group of mad scientists. He took a left at the four way intersection and walked down the much shorter hallway to take the last door on his right. As he entered the code, the door slid open, to reveal a massive room with dozens of machines and fabricators. At the far corner, a woman stood with her back to the door–Ira, Sol's sister.

The sounds of annoyance and curse words filled the room along with the buzzing of machines, the colorful vocabulary of Ira, cursing at herself or whatever she was working on. Her hair was a deep red and cut just above shoulder length, the sleeves of her lab coat were rolled up, revealing a right arm was all metal, with a red tint to it. As far as Sol could see, she was working on something and as per usual, was entirely absorbed into it. Sol grinned as he walked over to the nearby workbench and picked up one of the large binders. With it held a few feet above the table, he dropped it..

The slam of the binder echoed throughout the room and the woman jumped, grabbed the nearest tool, and threw it as she spun around. Sol caught the large wrench without effort as Ira realized who it was. She crossed her arms, an annoyed look plastered on her face.


"I know."

She let out a sigh before walking forward as both of them hug.

"Let me guess..." She says, looking towards the bag.

"You can send the bill to Dynamo."

"You know I'm not your tailor, right?."

"I kind of are." Sol says with a bit of smugness showing.

"I am not." Grabbing the bag from him, Ira tosses it onto the workbench and unzips the zipper. When Sol's tattered uniform is finally revealed, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. In this state, it was practically irreparable. She held it up and eyed it for a few seconds before throwing it aside like a piece of trash, to the slight dismay of Sol.

"Hm... I think it's time to give you an upgrade." She mutters, not fully certain.

"Really? Now you've got me excited. I'm curious what you've got in mind."

"It's a bit of a shame that the rest of my team is working on something else, I've actually had some ideas for quite a while but haven't had the time. Now, though, I should have a proper excuse to finally be able to whip something up."

"That does remind me, where is everyone?" Sol asks.

"Some A-Class was just brought in, and they needed a lot of gear apparently." Ira says, then grabs the binder Sol dropped from the workbench and flips to a page with a sketch of his new outfit.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. Soundwave right? Her signing ceremony was yesterday." Sol said, leaning against the workbench and crossing his arms.

Ira shrugged, "Beats me, I'm down here making gear for your dumbass."

"Gotta make you earn your paycheck somehow."

In response she gave him a glare which quickly faded into a smile.

"Have you made any progress on making it fireproof?" Sol asks, picking up a tool and messing with it in his hands.

"Only in theory..." Ira says, setting down the binder. She turns back to him, "Hey, give me some of your hair."

"Not again..." Sol sighs, then reaches up and pulls a few loose black strands with a slight wince. "I don't see how this is gonna make fireproof clothes."

"Shut up and watch." Ira snaps, taking the hairs and rushing over to a nearby machine.

Sol walks over to the machine with her, as she places the hair in the center of a large square plate. With the press of the button, the machine's mechanical arms extend from its back, picking up the strands of hair. Another arm holds out a small flame towards them, but as the flame increases in intensity. As the torch shuts off, the hairs are untouched.

"But we already know this..." Sol says.

"Yes but with actual samples, I should be able to synthesize a fabric that can handle your flames." Ira says before smacking the machine next to her, "This bad boy is brand new and can synthesize all sorts of shit."

Sol's eyes widened. "Thank god, using the vents were starting to get on my nerves."

"You gotta admit they worked though."

"Didn't make it any less of a pain."

"Tch, whatever. Alright, you can leave now. I haven't had the chance to work on an actually fun project in sooo long." Ira grins, full of excitement that was being unsuccessfully hidden..

"Alright, alright." Sol smiles, and gives a small wave as he begins to walk out.

"Oh, Sol."


"Say hi to your Rykker for me."

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