Chapter 5: A Gift or Curse

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A cloaked figure watched from a distance, crouched on the ledge of a tall building. It gripped its scythe tightly, desperately wanting to appear down there and reap their lives. But he resisted, opting to remain still. The entirety of Sol and the Mystic's fight played before him, ending in an abrupt conclusion. Her hands were cuffed and she was taken into a police car, escorted by several Agents. The woman they had captured and interrogated for weeks had fallen into enemy hands. Luckily, judging by the near-death of the fiery Ranger, it didn't seem that she had liked that either. The reaper reached up to his ear piece.

"Target is in transport, should I intercept?" It awaits orders, speaking through distorted speech.

After a few seconds, a masculine voice responds, "No. Wait till she leads us to the little girl, then you can kill her protectors."

"And what of the Ranger?"

There's another pause, spanning just a moment.

"...He won't be a problem."

* * *

"I'm sorry, but you're off the case."

"WHAT?" Sol exclaims loudly.

"It's out of my hands, Sol; it's an order straight from the Director herself. I have no say when or if you'll be brought back onto it."

Sol stood across from Commander Flint in his office, it had been a few hours since the incident with the woman. Somehow, he had managed to keep the fact that the Mystic escaped and attacked him a secret, much to Crossfire's protests. Right now, she was placed in a safe house after being properly discharged from the hospital, being fully healed thanks to Mystic Energy's factor of revitalization.

"So I'm just supposed to sit back and do nothing?" Sol asked, slamming his hands against the desk in agitation.

"No, right now your job is to monitor and protect the Mystic you've been in care of. ID analysis pinned her to be a woman known as Kate Sharp." The Commander says while getting up, sweeping Sol's hands off his table. "The Director deemed this as a high priority mission. Additionally, your secondary objective is to uncover any information you can about her." The Commander sighed, "She is an anomaly Sol, we have practically no information on her. There are some records of jobs and schooling a couple of years ago, but nothing since then. She's not even in the Mystic database, though maybe she's just a Spontaneous Mystic."

Sol shook his head to himself. There's no way that's right. A new Spontaneous wouldn't have control as good as she did. That woman–Kate Sharp–is definitely well trained in her abilities. Though he couldn't announce his thoughts, doing so would put her at risk. If they knew she had assaulted a Ranger, it could be life ruining. That bloody scene is already traumatizing enough for her, best not to add fuel to that fire.

"Anyway, I'm getting off track. You're going to protect and monitor her while staying out of the public eye. We need to know who she is, and why the Rogues tortured her. If she has vital information that they want, it's probably something pertinent to us as well."

"That makes sense, sir, but... out of the public? Does that mean I can't participate in the games?"

The Commander let out another sigh, "As of right now, the Director hasn't decided."

Sol takes a deep breath, holding the bridge of his nose. "I'm fine with taking care of a valued asset but, It feels like a waste to just leave me on the sideline. I know I can do more than this." Sol says, gesturing with his hand towards the window of the office.

"Sol, your performance in the recent events are both admirable and notable; I even protested in removing you from this case but the Director wants you in reserve. For now, besides watching the asset, you are relieved of your normal duties. Take this time to train for the games, I'm sure you'll be able to play when they roll around." The Commander says, folding his hand in front of him and looking out the window.

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