chapter forty-two

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I definitely didn't cry. 

Definitely not. 


Chapter 42


For the first time in months, the Mikaelson Compound, a place of sanctuary for the most powerful vampiric family alive, was silent. The normal laughter erupting from Mina's room had ceased just as the smells of omelets and strawberries floated from the kitchen, never to return. The house that was so full of life and plans for the future was down dead, forced to be silent.

Bonnie stayed sitting with her back against the wall, tears and ruined mascara stained her cheeks. She hugged her legs as Henrik laid on her shoulder, rubbing her back. In front of her laid the lifeless body of the one person who had fought her since she found out about her existence.

She didn't care to wipe the tears from her eyes or accept the tissue Henrik was offering. She didn't want to cover the evidence of her grief. 

As Bonnie slowly made her way out to where she left Mina, she prepared herself to tell the news. While she knew she didn't want to, the only other option was to let Mina find Elijah's body and that wasn't an option.

However, when a sudden tingle of dread slid over her skin, she looked up, calling upon her magic. The feat proved unnecessary because, surrounded by dozens of dead witches and werewolves alike, was the unconscious body of Mina Bennett.

"NO!" Bonnie screamed, her stomach immediately clenching at the sight. Taking off at a speed faster than anything she'd ever run, she appeared at her cousin's side. She pulled her head into her lap, laying her hands on top of her heart.

She had brought her back once and she would do so again.

While she called upon her magic, pleading with her expression to help her, her magic didn't flare as it usually did. She didn't feel a gust of wind or even a crackle of fire somewhere near.

"No!" She cried out again. The rejection of her magic could only mean one thing. Mina was too far gone and her magic couldn't reach her. "Mina, please!"

Screaming until she had become hoarse, she grabbed her cousin's body, rocking her back and forth as she did. Tears blurred her vision, granting anyone here a free opportunity at an attack because she couldn't hear or see anything over her own sadness.

Anger at herself for leaving her cousin started to take over, replacing the sadness. With one hand, she kept rocking her cousin's corpse, and with the other, she allowed herself to bang her fist against the concrete ground.

"Bonnie?" She heard someone call. "Bonnie, Bonnie, stop, my love."

She smelled the familiarity of Klaus's cologne come through her nose as he stopped her hands from hitting the ground. Still, tears flew down her face, her eyes flooding themselves with water. Her throat was burning from her screams yet she couldn't stop."She's d-dead, Klaus. I—I left her."

Klaus looked around as he allowed her to cry. "Elijah was supposed to be here. He—"

She slid Mina from her hold. Bonnie turned over, looking Klaus in his eyes while holding his arms. Simply, locking eyes with him, she lowered her head and shook it sadly.

Klaus looked taken back before he stood up, stepping back from Bonnie. Speeding through the cemetery, his body fell to the ground. His head rest on his brother's chest as he joined Bonnie in her screams.

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