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(Y/n) couldn't hold his smile back as he climbed the stairs to the music room. A ball in the Prince's honor, and everyone in the kingdom was invited!

How could he not be happy?

Cecilia was a very strict woman whom seemed to hate all manner of fun. She would never host parties or banquets, but she attended every social event she could catch wind of. Anything to put her children in the spotlight.

(Y/n) was almost convinced her sons were adopted, what with how loudmouthed and whiny they both were. She'd never be able to pawn them off on any self-respecting noblewoman.

The (s/c) male tried to ignore the horrendous noise of fists banging down onto delicate piano keys.

"It's not my fault! This piano is broken, none of the keys are in tune!"

With his smile slowly becoming more forced, (Y/n) knocked gently on the door. The older of the two twins, Daniel Doyle, answered the music room door with a scowl.

"What do you want, sootface?"

(Y/n) ignored him as he held up the letter in his hands.

"Message from the palace."

Daniel's eyes widened. He tried to snatch the thin parchment away from (Y/n) but the (taller/shorter) managed to pull away just in time.

"I think it's better if I hand this off to your mother."

The other rolled his eyes in annoyance, but obediently stepped to the side so (Y/n) could enter.

Cecilia had all of her focus on Anthony Doyle, the younger of the two twins. She was attempting (and failing) to sooth his tantrum as he continued to bang on the poor piano's keys with tears in his eyes.

"Miss, important letter. From the palace."

The older woman glared up at (Y/n), her piercing emerald eyes burning him like hot coals. Anthony sniffled loudly, his own eyes lifting at the mere mention of the palace.

He politely handed the letter off to Cecilia, clasping his hands behind his back when she grabbed her reading glasses and began to skim over the words.

Anthony tried to peek over his mother's shoulder, his tantrum all but forgotten in his intrigue.

"Oh, a ball? They haven't let any nobles in for years!"

The twins were already getting excited, a pair of giddy grins spreading across their faces.

"I guess the Prince made quite the spectacle in his last battle. They're confident enough that the war is finally over."

Cecilia stood and immediately began to pace.

"There's so much we need to do before tonight..."

Daniel and Anthony both rushed out of the music room to get ready. (Y/n) began to leave, too.

He had so much joy in his heart... he couldn't wait to experience his first ever ball.

"Where are you going?"

The (s/c) man froze in place, not daring to meet Cecilia's glare.

"To prepare, miss..."

"And just what makes you think you're coming?"

(Y/n) felt his heart sink to his feet.

"It... the letter says that... everyone is invited. I thought-"

"You've too many chores. Besides, you don't own a single appropriate outfit for such an event."

And who's fault is that?

(Y/n) held his tounge.

"I-I can finish my chores before tonight, miss! I can find a suitable outfit!"

Cecilia continued to glare at him.

"Please, m-miss... I've never wanted anything more than I want this."

A cruel glint began to shimmer behind those unkind eyes.

"Alright. If you can finish your chores and find an outfit before we have to leave, you may attend."

His heart began to soar once again, foolishly naïve enough to actually believe anything Cecilia had to say. (Y/n) was raised to be hopeful... even if that hope always shattered him in the end.

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