14| Monumental idiot

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I was at the Thunder Estate fixing some food for me and Tomioka after our training. Zenitsu, who also was at the estate with me, dashed up to me, waving a letter in his hand, a big grin plastered on his face, bubbling with excitement. 

"It's from Granpa!" Zenitsu exclaimed. He handed it over to me, all hyped up about what it said.

As I tore open the envelope, Zenitsu's curiosity went through the roof. "What's it say? What's it say?" he kept asking, practically bouncing with anticipation. But as I scanned the letter, a sense of worry crept in.

In the letter, our grandpa was fretting about Kaigaku, talking about his recent behavior and how he got kicked out of the Butterfly Estate. He wanted me to keep an eye on him and have a chat about his attitude. Even though the end of the letter was cheery, with some praise for Zenitsu's progress and relief that I was recovering from that Akaza mess, the worry stuck around.

Zenitsu's excitement fizzled out when he saw my serious face. "What's up? What'd Grandpa say?" he asked, his tone changing from hyped to concerned.

Taking a deep breath, I spilled the beans about the letter to Zenitsu, and I could see his expression matching my concern. It was clear that Kaigaku's situation was weighing on both of us, and I knew I had to do something, just like our grandpa asked.

With a newfound determination, I folded up the letter and stashed it safe, ready to have a chat with Kaigaku and give him a hand. And as for Zenitsu, I could see the pride shining in his eyes from our grandpa's praise, fueling his motivation to continue his training with renewed vigor.

After reading the letter, I focused on the task at hand, portioning out the food into small packets. One was for Zenitsu, to fuel him after his training at the Butterfly Estate with his friends. I made sure to include extra for him to share with Tanjiro and Inosuke. Carefully, I packed the surplus into a medium-sized bag for myself and Tomioka.

Slipping the bag onto my shoulders, I turned to Zenitsu, offering him a warm smile. Handing him his portion, I planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. His face lit up with joy, a stark contrast to the worries that clouded my mind about Kaigaku.

As Zenitsu bid me farewell with a wide smile, I couldn't help but reflect on the stark difference in my relationships with him and Kaigaku, despite both being my younger brothers.

As I made my way on foot towards the training grounds, I passed by one of the tracks where Tengen and Rengoku were training vigorously. Their energy was infectious, and they greeted me with enthusiastic waves as I walked by.

"Hey there! How's it going?" Tengen called out, his voice filled with exuberance.

"Hey!" Rengoku chimed in, flashing a bright smile. "You're looking focused today!"

Returning their greetings with a smile of my own, I paused briefly to exchange a few words with them.

"Doing well, thanks!" I replied, my tone upbeat. "Just heading to the usual spot for some training."

"Keep up the great work!" Tengen encouraged, giving me a thumbs-up.

"Will do!" I called back, nodding in appreciation before continuing on my way towards the track where Tomioka and I used to train together.

As I walked, I couldn't help but revel in the beauty of the surrounding nature. The gentle breeze brushed against my skin, offering a welcome relief from the warmth of the spring sun. The sky above was a brilliant shade of blue, adorned with wispy clouds that drifted lazily across the horizon.

The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of fresh grass. Birds chirped melodiously in the distance, their songs adding to the tranquil atmosphere. I paused for a moment to take in the sights and sounds around me, feeling grateful for the simple joys that nature had to offer.

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