Whispers of the Fallen

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Aurora continued her portentous words. "The one who approached you in the forest draws power from an ancient evil long thought vanquished. His kind prefer lurking in humanity's fringes, twisting weak minds to fuel depravities better left unknown. But it seems their masters have awakened, and will use all means to remake the world in their image."

She summoned luminous strands weaving scenes out of memory and prophecy. Sakura watched with growing horror as aberrant forms slithered through history, breeding cults and covens that seeded suffering across generations. Images flickered by - robed figures conducting blasphemous rites in stone circles under starless skies, madmen carving occult sigils into raw flesh, twisted experiments fusing human and beast in charnel laboratories.

"The Fallen call these entities their 'children'," Aurora went on, disgust creeping into her star-song voice. "Through them, dark powers have infiltrated your realm's power structures, corrupting minds with promises of unfettered rule. They seek to unleash plagues harnessing mankind's own virulence, driving survivors into primal savagery."

Her visions shifted to scenes out of nightmare - city streets piled with twisting, ravaged corpses as a nameless contagion spread in dripping tendrils, once-great nations reduced to roving cannibal hordes battling feral gangs for scraps. All the while, cloaked figures watched impassively, taking notes.

"Unless stopped, this future will come to pass," Aurora said grimly. "The Fallen crave disorder and human degradation for its own ends. With their 'children' pulling puppet strings, vast armies of the infected and insane will be unleashed, reducing your world to primordial anarchy. Any surviving remnants will be easy prey, molded to serve new nightmarish masters."

She took Sakura's hands in a glow of stardust. "This is why you were created, sister - to stand as guardian at the borders of possibility. Through wisdom and empathy, subtle prods and if needed celestial fire, we must disrupt these plans before the seeds of ruin take root. The Fallen's corruption must be excised at its source before humanity's thread is severed forever."

Sakura met her gaze, eyes kindling with resolve. "Then show me where their stronghold lies, and I will root them out. No creature spreads taint in my realm unchecked." Her aura flared with promise of nova-bright retribution should any harm the innocents under her care. In that moment, she truly understood her purpose.

Aurora smiled, pride and sorrow mingling. "Patience, child. Force will only beget force with these entities. For now, subtler means are called for. Come, let us scry their movements, discern allies among mankind who may yet resist corruption if guided aright..."

Their luminous forms merged in meditative union, eyes of night peering through veils between worlds to witness stirring shadows and glints of fragile hope. The game had begun.

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