Chapter 16 : The next day

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The morning had already begun when Sidney opened her eyes and saw her friend watching her.

— Good morning, marmot ! Did you sleep well ?

— Hello, Eddie. To tell you the truth, I haven't slept that well in... a very long time.

— I'm delighted.

— I guess I have you to thank for that. And also, to apologize for the sudden awakening last night.

— No, not at all. You owe me no apology. Do you often have nightmares ?

Sidney didn't reply, but as Eddie looked at her, he realized that nightmares were part of her routine.

— Sid...

Suddenly he changed his mind. Sidney felt good with him because she was safe and he was taking her mind off things. Yesterday he loved hearing her laugh in tears and he wanted to hear it again and again. From that moment on, he would spend all his time trying to make her laugh, to make her forget her unhappy everyday life.

— Breakfast ?

— What do you propose ?

He got up and searched among the packages left from the day before.

— How about a few crisps with a large glass of whiskey ?

— Oh no, she said to herself, rubbing her head. I never should have drank so much.

— Take some water. Don't worry, it will pass.

— Thank you, Ed. Did you enjoy your first "party" ?

— A lot !

— Really ?

— Yes, really. Thank you for arranging this for me.

— I enjoyed the evening very much, too. We could do that again soon.

— With great pleasure. But before that, what do you want to do today ?

— I'm going home, I don't want to worry my father. And I need to get some rest.

— Of course.

— I'll see you tomorrow ?

— I'll see you tomorrow.

Sidney got up, packed up her things, and left the cabin.

That evening had completely inflated her. It was the first time she had a friend, the first time she had a party, and the first time in a long time she had laughed so much.

When she arrived at the RV, her father was asleep in his outdoor seat. Sidney made no noise so as not to wake him up, and immediately went to her room. She took out her notebook and put on paper everything she had in her head and heart.

It was a habit she had taken up from an early age : she kept diaries. It helped her hold on without placing the weight of her life on the shoulders of a real confidant. Since she met Eddie, she had written dozens of pages.

For his part, Eddie also needed to express his feelings. He had sat outside with his walkman and was drawing. He put on paper sketches of every moment of his first Halloween and Sidney night : sketches of her hair pulled up, of her hands touching her face to apply the kohl, of her laughter, of her sleepy and serene face. It was his way of doing things: he poured his feelings on paper.

It was a long day for the young man. But the next morning, her friend was back.

— How are you feeling ? Not too hungover ?

— I slept all day yesterday, but today I feel better. You'll think I'm just like him.

— No, I don't think so. We were partying and you didn't take any risks. Didn't your father realize he was missing a bottle ?

— I don't know, I didn't see him. He was asleep when I got home, and he was gone when I left my room this morning.

Sidney sat down on the floor and began flipping through one of the books as Eddie tried to find a clever formula for his question :

— Why are you so afraid of him hurting me ?

— What ?

— When I came to the trailer park, you told me it was dangerous for me, and yesterday, during your nightmare, you were afraid that your father had come here to hurt me. I don't understand that. You are the one in danger...

— I'm not in danger, Eddie.

— Please don't try to protect me, I know very well who made those marks on your body. I saw him screaming at you. I saw his gaze. And I can see how he's terrifying you.

— Ed...

— I know you're not saying anything to protect me, but I don't think I'm just anybody, Sidney. I am not just anyone. I'm your friend and you can tell me anything. That's what friends are for. Real friends. And nobody cares about my protection, I'm stronger than you think. And what matters is you. You're the one in danger, Sid, and I don't want that anymore.

Eddie caught his breath. He had not wanted to raise his voice. He didn't want to say it like that, but he couldn't him. He kept those words from coming out for so long that it all came out at once. He couldn't take his eyes off his friend, waiting for her reaction.

He was pounded in his head with questions : What if she left and I lost her forever ? What if she gets angry with me ? What if I scare her again ?

Sidney opened her mouth to answer. Eddie expected her to get angry like the last time. He was already preparing to see her run away. But this time, he wouldn't let her go. He couldn't lose her.

He had prepared for every eventuality, but not for this one. Sidney froze completely, her eyes filled with fear. A single word came out of her mouth :

— Dad ? 

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