chapter 39

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( please ignore the spelling mistake 🥺)

Yn went to her mansion where Chan was there. She parked her car and went inside the mansion only to get a tight hug from her only son. Chan hugged Yn's leg. Then Yn carried him.

Chan : welcome home mom .

He said with cute vioce.

Yn pov .

I came to the mansion where Chan came and hugged me. Then I carried him. Then he said, "Welcome home, mom.I know they all know everything. So I put on a fake angry face. I walked inside and sat on the sofa. Then he said.

Chan : why mom was angry on Chan .

He said with his cute vioce and innocent face which instantly melted me . I can't even put a fake angry on him . Then Unnies all came then i said.

Yn : you guys know everything from the starting right.

I said while glaring at all them . Rubi Unnie was very intelligent i know she knows it when they planned.

Then Somi said.

Somi : yn we did for your and Chan happyness .

She said while looking at Chan. I just sighed because I know they will do anything for his happiness. I looked at Chan who was showing his puppy eyes then Chan asked.

Chan : mom did dad remembered anything.

He asked me with a hint of hope in his eyes.then i remembered Eunwoo called me angel which he used to call when we are dating. Then said

Yn : i think he will remember soon .

Then he started to jump in happyness
Then he said.

Chan : mom don't worry dada will remember you and me mom .

I hope it will happen soon. Then iu said.

Iu : yn you have a meeting in evening.

So I still have so much time. I nodded my head.

Rubi : Chan baby go to your rooms arrange your toys in box .

She said to Chan . Chan nodded his head. And went to room . He never let anyone touch his toy . Then iu said.

Iu : yn when you went with Eunwoo bangpink makean line and mrs kim try to stop the outing plan.

Then she started to say everything.

I am not shock because I know mrs kim will do anything to make her step daughter happy. Then Rubi Unnie said.

Rubi : I was quite shock when you pointed your gun at mrs kim forehead. I never thought you will do that.

Yn : What should I do she was crossing her line .

Then i said everything what happened in the hotel room except that romantic part they know everything then iu asked.

Iu : yn what happened with that contract.

Do you guys are thinking that we are talking about business then no there is contract between me and Mrs kim.

Somi : mrs Kim was trying to make Kims family to hate you yn .

Yn: i know everything Unnie just 3 months then I will separate from Kim's family. Our deal while over then i can live here.

Mrs kim and me had a deal that deal was for two that two years i should take care of the business. When I am turning 25 our contact will be over then I can live a peaceful life with my son .

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