chapter 45

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( sorry for my late update. I was busy with my personal life)

(Please ignore the spelling mistake 🥺)

Yn pov

In my perspective, I will ensure that you suffer, Mrs. Kim. I smirked at the bangpink maknaes and Mrs. Kim. Then I declared

Yn : You all will do exactly as I say. I don't want to hear any objections from you. Do you understand?"

The maknaes line nodded their heads in agreement. I turned my attention to Mrs. Kim and said

Yn : You too, Mrs. Kim."

I stared into Mrs. Kim's eyes as I spoke, conveying the seriousness of my words.

She too nodded her head has yes.  I just smiled in victory.

Now whole room become silent. Then Mrs cha asked.

Mrs cha: so Eunwoo pack your things.

Mrs cha said to her son . I looked at both of them then jisso said.

Jisso : why aunty.

She asked in confusion voice.

Mrs cha : Eunwoo came here to make you fall in love with him but now he likes yn so.

She said then jisso chuckled and said.

Jisso : no let Eunwoo stay here . They both still need time to understand each other. We don't have any problem so let him stay here .

She said while looking at mrs cha. Wow she is really a angel.mrs cha nodded there head.  Then i started to walk to my room but then i remembered Jungkook words. I trun my attention to him and said.

Yn : Don't you dare to talk about my character. I am not a fool to stand under Mrs. Kim's shadow. I have my own company; I don't need to work under another company. I was a billionaire before becoming the CEO of Park Industry. I have my own company, and it was one of the most influential companies in the world. So don't talk without knowing anything."

YN's words hung in the air, a challenge to Jungkook's assumptions. She refused to be defined by others or to be underestimated. She had worked hard to build her own success, and she was proud of what she had achieved.

Jungkook looked at YN, his expression a mixture of surprise and grudging respect. He had not expected her to be so assertive or to have such a successful career. He realized that he had misjudged her, and he felt a twinge of guilt for his earlier words

Then mrs kim asked.

Mrs kim : what did you mean your won campany.

I just smirked and said.

Yn : i started my own company when I was 20 .

Mrs kim was really so shocked . Then Jennie asked me with pure shock voice.

Jennie : wait you started your won campany after Eunwoo's accident.

She said with winded eyes. I just nodded my head has yes .  Then i don't talk with anyone i straightly went to my room . Then I took a hot shower. After shower i weared my night dress

After a minute I heard a knock on my door. I know who it will be . Then i said.

Yn : come in .

Jennie,Sana, rocky and suhan came inside my room they locked the door and came and sat on sofa and on the bed .

Then i asked.

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