Chapter Three

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   Mmmm coffee. I thought as I leaned against the counter taking a sip of my hot hazelnut coffee from my mug. Coffee was like a drug to me. It was the only thing that made me run on most days. I had to have it well flavored though. A mix of hazelnut coffee and hazelnut creamer with probably way too much sugar that would give me diabetes at some point in my life. The warm liquid warming my core as it slid down my throat into my abdomen. I glanced at my phone to check the time. It was only ten in the morning and Amber said she would be here at eleven to go over the plans for the day before the rest of the girls showed up. We all planned to carpool together in Amber's red 2021 Toyota Highlander. Finishing my cup of coffee I heated another in the microwave as it had cooled. While I waited I made my way into my room to choose my attire for today. Settling for some jeans a blue tank top and a plaid shirt throw over. Tossing them on the bed I went to fix my cup of coffee. Downing it in a few swallows I made my way into the bathroom to turn the shower on to scolding hot like I liked it. I liked skin burning hot water for showers as it warmed every inch of my cold soul. It relaxed my muscles, but as a lot of my ex-boyfriends would complain that it was too hot when taking a shower together.
     The thought of shower with someone felt like forever ago. My ex-boyfriend and I had split a year prior before the holidays. The discovery of another woman being involved hit me like a brick. Spending six years of my life just felt like a waste. We had started dating when I was only nineteen. Now I was approaching twenty seven years old and my rap sheet of relationships from a teenager to now did not rank high.
    Finally finishing up my shower and getting dressed I risk a glance of myself in the mirror. Wincing at my pale reflection I debate on throwing on some eyeliner, mascara, and just moisturize my face for a glowing look. As I am just adding the last bit of mascara to my lashes I hear a shout from the kitchen.
     "JJ! Where you at fucker?" I hear Amber call.
     I cap my mascara and holler back as this was normal for exchanges between us. "In here firecracker!"
     Amber peeks her head into the room and gives me a look over. "Oh good.. you're dressed." She breathes a sigh of relief.
    One time she walked right into my bedroom when she showed up as I was getting ready getting a little more than her eyeballs bargained to see. Ever since she does not come barreling into my room anymore. She plops herself up on my bed as I fix my hair. Blow drying it out then straightening it was my normal style and I decided to just do the usual today.
     "I like that plaid top." She comments as she touches the material.
    Amber and I were complete opposite builds and zodiacs which put us together perfectly. Amber was an Aries and average height girl reaching around five foot six with dark red hair. She was on the slimmer side were she lacked in the ass department she made up with a heaping cleavage. Men drooled over her double d chest. I envied her in the slim and chest department as I was more on the curvy side. I had more pounds to love and was a bigger girl that men stuck their noses at. Where I lacked in my chest I made up with a big ass that I squeezed into jeans. I was the most emotional sign ever as a Cancer I felt more than I should.
     Amber runs through the itinerary for the day as I finish up the last touches on my makeup and we stroll into the kitchen at the same time the doorbell sounds. Grabbing my hoodie and walking down the hallway together to get to the front door as I slide the hoodie over my frame. Amber opens the door to Claire, Harper, Nyah, and Taylor our new friends.
     "Hey Ladies!" Claire greets us with her shiny white smile.
     Claire was one of those girls you thought you had to stay clear of in high school because she was so pretty you just thought she was mean. She was actually the exact opposite. Claire and Amber were the exact same height with tan skin. Only Claire had platinum blonde hair with dark roots to bring out the expensive hair dresser balayage in her hair and she had green eyes. Claire was very petite, but despite being so thin she had a lot of muscle.
    "Hey!" Amber greeted them glancing over her shoulder at the other girls in the doorway then over her shoulder to me. "All set and ready to go?" She beamed with tons of excitement.
     Pulling on my last sneaker as I balance on one foot. I look up at no one in particular and give a thumbs up. "Ready."

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