Something Worth Living For

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Yunobo performed the courtesy of lugging Link's body onto the table Rauru pointed to, while the miracle-worker looked the man up and down.

"You're right. He does look- rather dead," he sighed, approaching the bench and bending down a little.

Cautiously, he lifted up Link's limp arm, watching as it immediately dropped and hit the table.

"I've seen worse, though," he told the trio, continuing to examine the body, gently pressing a hand onto the farm boy's chest.

Riju fidgeted a little, subtly bobbing up and down by shifting her weight from the balls of her feet to her heels.

"Uh- sir," she spoke up, maintaining her polite tone. "I hate to interrupt you but we're in a terrible rush, you see."

Rauru let out a hum.

"You never rush a miracle, child. You rush a miracle man, you might get rotten miracles," he replied, shaking his head. "You got money?"

Riju quickly rummaged through one of her skirt's pockets, silently counting the coins she could feel.

"65, does that work?" She asked, but the look on Rauru's face told her that it likely didn't.

"Respectfully, I don't know if I've ever worked for so little," he confessed. "The one time I did, it was for a very noble cause."

"Oh, but sir, we have a very noble cause... his uh... wife is crippled... his children are on the brink of starvation," Sidon spoke in an attempt to convince the miracle-worker.

Rauru gave him a long, hard look.

"Also respectfully, you're a bad liar," he answered, before being interrupted by Riju.

She pressed her clenched hands against the bench, her knuckles growing white, not in anger, but in anxiety.

"Listen, sir, you don't understand. I need him to avenge the soul of my mother. She was viciously murdered and he's the only thing I have," the gerudo explained.

Rauru looked at her, eyeing her up and down. He turned to the wall behind him, unhooking a strange device from its pegs.

It appeared almost like a bellow for a chimney.

"Tell you what, why don't we ask your friend here if he's worthy? Open his mouth please," Rauru asked.

Yunobo, who stood near Link's head, carefully spread apart his lips while the miracle worker inserted the device.

"But he's dead; he can't talk," Riju mused, as Rauru began pressing the handles of the device together, pumping air into his subject's lungs.

"Well, that's the interesting part," the zonai answered, "see, your friend here is only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead."

Rauru finally stopped pumping and took the device out of Link's mouth, setting it off to the side before looming over him again.

"Hello!" He exclaimed, while Link's unconscious body lay there, still as stone. "What's so important to you? What do you have that's worth living for?"

The zonai carefully placed his hands on the man's expanded chest, pressing down until Link finally let out the faintest, somewhat tangible garble.

"Truuuuuue... looooooveee..."

Riju sprung up excitedly like a chu chu jelly from the earth.

"True love! Did you hear him?! You cannot ask for a worthier cause than that, can you?" She asked, while Sidon and Yunobo stood there in awe.

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