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I've always been a party girl and always loved music. My dream was to become a rockstar... me and my two bests friends created a band and after only 2 months we released our first single, very quickly a manager and record label wanted to sign a contract with us and we accepted straight away, fame and money came our way very quickly and at age 15 I was a ROCKSTAR.
After that my life became tours, interviews, studio and party's but also responsibilities.
I was the oldest of the groupe so everything was put onto me, I loved it at first and I still do but sometimes, I just want to......hide.
"Hey girl what's up?" Iris asked. "We have to be at the stadium in 1 hour so be ready and tell Phoebe will you ?" I said coldly. "Sure" she answered while I left the room. I went straight to the stadium and started playing shit on my bass.
That's when I got a call. It was from Zach. I answered not really thinking straight.
"- Hey Zach. What do you want?
- You.
-Well...     He cut me off .
- I'm throwing a party tonight, I know you have a concert but come after, sort if an after party. Bring your friends.
- Fine but....     He cut me off again.
- See you there....Love."
I instantly regretted saying yes but it was too late. I called my friends and told them to plan.
Half an hour later everyone arrived at the stadium for sound check, they started doing sound check and when it was done then they practice every song on stage.
It was now 5pm and the concert started at 6, so they had some time. Rebeca started her hair and makeup and put her outfit on.
Finally the concert is starting, they do their entrance and play their songs. As Rebeca left the venue to go to the party, one of her guards gave her a letter.
She opened it, it said:
"- Hey, i know we haven't talked in a while, but i want to see you again.
I know you love games and detectives, you also love books and want a silent life.
I've organised a game in London, if you want to play give your guard a letter.
She did in fact love games and she really wanted to know who this was. So of course she wrote a letter.
" well hello mystery person. I love your confidence and would love to play with you so i guess I'll be seeing you in London.
She then left for the party .

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