Chapter 5

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The day right before the date Johnny and I were gonna have, he suddenly zoomed out of the house not saying a word, all I knew was that he made a face that looked like he had an idea. I was confused about what he was doing, but when he came back he zoomed around not letting me see what he got.

"Johnny, what are you doing?" I ask him sorta following him while he zooms around like he's looking for something.

"Nothing!" Johnny said quickly.

He went into a room gently pushing me out of the room and closing the door. After like a good minute he came out then looked proud of himself. I was pretty confused about what he just did but he gently pulled me away from the door.

"Johnny, what did you do in there?" I asked.

"Sharlet, don't go in that room today alright?" he said.

"ok?" I said still pretty confused.

When it was the next day and the time for our date, Johnny zoomed into the room that he didn't let me go into then he zoomed back out to his truck then he zoomed back in. He was so excited which was so adorable. He gently pulled me outside and helped me into his truck. He got into the driver's side and he drove us to a cafe. Johnny was very excited and doing his EEEEEs throughout the whole ride. When we got there he gently pulled me out to the cafe, he got us a table and when we went to our table we just stared into each other's eyes. Both of us were nervous.

"so um Sharlet," Johnny said breaking the silence.

"yes, Johnny?" I said back.

"I got this for you," he said as he put a little pink bow that was a magnet on the table. "This can stick to your head."

I stared at the bow magnet then I looked back at him. I put the bow magnet on the top side of my head. I felt emotional again and I felt my plug tail starting to wag. Johnny told a lady human to get us two oils.

"So Sharlet how are you liking New York City?" he asks me.

"Well I like it," I said. "my favorite part is you"

Johnny made some squeaks which made me giggle a little bit. We were given our oil then me and Johnny started drinking and once again staring into each other's eyes. Whenever we were done Johnny took me back to his truck and he drove to a park. We got out of the truck, then I kicked my heels on the ground making my skate wheels come out then we rolled around the park while holding hands. We kept walking for like 5 minutes then we stopped under a tree us just staring at each other. I feel like sometimes we don't need to say anything we can just look at each other lovingly. Both of us kissed then we ended up going back home to listen to music and cuddle.

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