chapter two: after him

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⚠️includes: mentions of sh, acts of sh, and ways of sh do not read if you are sensitive to that. mentions of weed.

Y/n strolled through the streets of the Outerbanks in a terrible attempt to clean her head. She decided to go and sit down on the beach overlooking the sea. The sky was getting darker by the minute. "Hey cupcake" JJ greets y/n. "The fuck do you want?" y/n greets JJ back rudely. "That's not a nice way to speak to your friend" "look I know Rafe said we couldn't speak anymore" JJ says. "So? Who gives a fuck what he says" y/n lets out. "Why you had an argument?" JJ asks. "No just tired" y/n says. "Do you still have those blades?" y/n asks. "Come on y/n you know i can't let you do that" JJ says supportively. "Look I know your trying to be a good friend right now and i appreciate it i really do but please I'll give you the rest of my weed if you give me them" y/n says. "Fine" JJ begins to dig into his pocket. "But don't cut to deep and don't tell anyone the blades came from me" JJ says. "promise me
y/n" JJ and y/n make eye contact with one another. "I promise" y/n promises JJ and they exchange the blades and weed. "Where's the rest of your group anyway?" y/n asks. "I honestly couldn't tell you cupcake" JJ says. "Well thanks for the blades i promise i won't cut to deep" y/n attempts a false smile and walks away. "see you soon y/n!" JJ shouts as
y/n walks away. "Hey mom I'm home!" y/n enters her house. "Hey sweetheart how was your day?" she asks. "good" y/n smiles and walks up the stairs and sits on her bed. Her phone starts to vibrate in her pocket, she pulls it out and there reads Ward's horrendous contact name. "Hi" y/n exclaims. "Hey beautiful i was wondering if you'd like to come around tomorrow. Talk about what happened today and how we can move forward. Rafe will be out of this house" Ward says. "Okay I'll see you tommorow then bye" y/n hangs up the phone and begins digging for the blades in her pocket. Y/n unbuckles her jeans leaving her bottomless since Ward threw her panties in the river earlier that day. She eyes up the blades sharp edges and brings it to her thigh and begins to exclaim in pain. She repeats this multiple times until half of her thigh is covered in cuts and blood. This was the only she could ever comprehend her feelings. The blade and her skin. Cutting her skin. She grabs hold of her blanket and uses it to cover her thighs and falls asleep consistently overthinking the events of today.

Word Count: 491

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