chapter four: caught

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⚠️includes: violence,strong language,cheating,punching.

Barry and Rafe pull through the drive way. "See you tommorow yeah but this time only with twice the coke" Rafe laughs and shuts the car drawer as Barry drives off. Rose is coming the driveway. "Hey Rafe where have you been?" Rose asks. "Out" Rafe says bluntly and turns the door open for both of them to enter the estate. Ward and y/n are still fast asleep upstairs. "Hey Dad" Rafe shouts but it doesn't wake Ward and y/n. He twists the door to Ward's bedroom and is welcomed by a naked y/n and Ward. Rafe's facial expression turns from happy to shocked. "What the fuck!" Rafe says in a confused manner and Ward begins to wake up. "Hey what is going on up-" Rose's voice turns from confused to tears. "Rafe i can explain" Ward says trying to cover his naked body. "Explain what that your in bed naked with my girlfriend! You don't need to i can already work it out" Rafe says. "What's all the shouting about?" y/n asks waking up. "You tell me love clearly one Cameron wasn't enough for you, you had to fuck another one!" Rafe yells. "Watch your mouth!" Ward yells. "Shut the fuck up!" Rafe yells and punches Ward in the face. By this point, Rose had left the room too shocked by what she had just witnessed and now Rafe had ran out. "Come here baby it's okay" Ward says and brings y/n to his arms. "I just really didn't want to upset him" y/n begins to cry. "Shhh it's okay. Sometimes people need to get there feelings hurt" Ward says wiping
y/n's tears. "Now let's get some sleep you can sleep here tonight love" Ward says. "Okay" y/n says and cracks a fake smile.

A few hours later...

Y/n wakes up with an immediate urge to vomit and runs out of the bedroom into the on-sweet bathroom. She begins to vomit over the toilet. "Sweetheart are you okay? Let me hold your hair back" Ward says worried and pulls y/n's hair into a ponytail in the back of her head. "That tasted disgusting" y/n says. "I mean it is vomit I don't think it's supposed to taste nice" Ward says sarcastically. "Are you sick?" Ward asks trying to make direct eye contact with y/n his voice filled with worry. "I think I'm pregnant" y/n says. "Pregnant?" Ward asks his voice filled with worry. "I was meant to get my period the day i met you but i haven't" y/n says. "I'll drop by the pharmacy today" y/n announces. "Okay well come back here after then" Ward says. "Do you think Rafe and Rose will come back?" y/n asks. "Well if you are pregnant definitely not" Ward begins to laugh and y/n joins in. "I'll see you later then" y/n smiles and walks out the door,giving Ward a small kiss on the cheek.

Word Count: 509

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