chapter five: pregnant?

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⚠️includes: pregnancy scares

Y/n begins to stroll through the streets of Outerbanks and finds the pogues hanging out together on the beach. "Hey guys!" y/n says, seeing Sarah now something just feels completely different between the two girlfriends especially after the pregnancy scare. "Hey y/n you want a beer?" JJ asks y/n. "No thank you" y/n politely declines due to beer not being good for the potential baby in her stomach. "You haven't hung out with us for ages y/n" Kiara says. "I mean it's probably because of that little scary kook boyfriend of hers" Pope says. "Sarah can i talk to you about something in private?" y/n asks. "God y/n don't sound so serious your scaring me" Sarah laughs and begins to stand up. Y/n lets out a small awkward laugh and the two girlfriends go behind the Twinkie van. "Me and Rafe" y/n blurts up. "What about you and my narcissistic as hell brother" Sarah begins to laugh. "I don't think we're together anymore" y/n announces. "Oh shit y/n i'm sorry" Sarah says heartbreak clear in her voice. "I don't think I'm the one you should be feeling sorry for Sarah" y/n says. "What are you talking about y/n" Sarah asks confused. "I cheated on him" y/n announces and silence fills the air. "With your dad" y/n says. "and i might be pregnant" y/n announces. "What the fuck y/n! I thought we were friends then you go and fuck my dad!" Sarah says. "Hey, hey! What's going on?" JJ asks confusion clear in his voice. "I don't know why don't you tell him y/n" Sarah says and all of a sudden all of the pogues are surrounding the two girls. "Tell him what?" John B asks. "Tell him how your pregnant with my dad's child!" Sarah gets in y/n's face. "Might be pregnant" y/n corrects her and makes direct eye contact with all of the pogues. "I should go" y/n announces. "I though she was with Rafe?" John B asks. "Omg John B keep up!" Kiara shouts at him as Sarah walks off. Y/n is then walking through the streets of outerbanks and walks into the pharmacy and begins looking at pregnancy tests, she decides to pick up two and walks back to the Cameron estate and rings the doorbell. "Hey love come in" Ward answers the door. "I bought a couple of tests" y/n announces. "Good girl" Ward calls y/n. "Let me walk you to the bathroom" Ward says. "Look at me love" Ward says. "If your pregnant i will look after you and our child. You two will become the most important people in my life at once" Ward says. Y/n enters the bathroom and pees on the two sticks. "It says you have to wait a couple of minutes for the results to develop" y/n announces to Ward. Ward kisses y/n passionately. "A couple of minutes for you to blow me then" Ward says and guides y/n to her  knees. Y/n unbuckles Ward's belt and pulls his pants down leaving only boxers on show. She places a small kiss on his bulge. "Your so big" y/n mutters and Ward places his hand on the back of y/n's head. "I know love. I know" Ward says. Y/n pulls his boxers down revealing his large length and y/n takes it all in. "Fuck y/n you blow me so good" Ward exclaims and y/n begins to pump him with her hand. "You make me feel so good" Ward exclaims. "I'm going to- I'm going to cum" Ward says and y/n continues to pump him. "Swallow" Ward demands after he releases and y/n obliges. Ward takes a glance to the pregnancy test across the counter and y/n stands up and Ward gets to his knees. "What are you doing?" y/n lets out a confused laugh. "Giving my beautiful child a kiss" Ward answers y/n's question. "I'm going to be a daddy again" Ward cries. "I'm going to be a mama?" y/n asks. "yes" Ward cries. "Oh my gosh" y/n cries with him. "What will Rafe say?" y/n questions and Ward stands up. "Well I don't think he gets much say in the matter" Ward announces. "I can't believe this" y/n begins to cry and Ward places his hands on y/n's cheeks. "Neither can i" Ward kisses y/n's forehead.

Word Count: 763

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