chapter three: reconciliation

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⚠️includes: mentions of sh, cleaning up sh,cheating and a daddy kink,bleeding.

Y/n wakes up. Her thighs looking like a blood bath, blood stained on them from the previous night. "Shit" she exclaims looking at the triggering sight. She gets out of bed and turns the shower on to remove the terrible staining off of her thighs. After the shower the cuts are still pretty red and continue to bleed but she pulls her pants over it. Leggings,because jeans will be pretty harsh on the fresh cuts. She does her hair and makeup and leaves the house. "Bye mom I'm leaving!" she exclaims. Her phone begins to vibrate. It's Rafe. "Hey sexy. How are you?" Rafe picks up the phone "Good" y/n replies happily. "Do you wanna come round to Barry's?" Rafe asks. "I can't sorry babe" y/n announces. "Okay I'll see you later then baby love you" he says. There it is again those two so called "heartfelt words" that are meant to mean so much to oneself but yet know they feel like a knife through skin twisted around twice. "yeah love you too" y/n lies again. The phone hangs up. Y/n is the again met with the horrendous contact name Ward saved himself as yesterday, she clicks the call button. "Hello?" Ward answers. "Hey it's y/n is it still okay if i come over today?" y/n asks Ward. "It's more than okay sweetheart. When will i see you?" Ward asks. "About half an hour?" y/n works out. "Okay I'll see you soon then beautiful" Ward says and the phone hangs up. Y/n begins strolling the streets and sees Sarah, Wards daughter who also happens to be her friend. "Y/n!" Sarah exclaims. "Hey Sarah!"y/n exclaims and the two girls hug eachother. "My dads pissing me off so much at the moment" She says. My dad. Her dad. The man y/n fucked on her balcony yesterday. "Why what's he done?" y/n asks. "I don't know just being his usual asshole self that's why i don't live there anymore" she breaks the news. "You don't live with him? where do you live then?" y/n asks. "Oh you know all over with the fellow pogues it's actually fun sometimes" she says. "What happened to Topper? I thought you two were tight?" y/n questions. "tight? not anymore we broke up i'm with John B now" she says. "Oh well I'm happy for you two" y/n smiles. "Speaking of John B i need to go and find him I'll see you later sis!" Sarah exclaims. After a few more minutes of walking y/n finds JJ. "What is it with you pogues and walking around the streets of Outerbanks by yourselves?" y/n questions. "Why who else did you see?" JJ asks confused. "Only Sarah a few minutes ago. She told me her and John B are together now" y/n says. "Are you okay?" JJ asks. "Where did that come from? we was talking about Sarah not-" JJ cuts her of. "you know what I mean y/n" JJ says. "I could ask you the same thing about the weed is it gone already?" y/n asks. "don't try and change the subject y/n. i was worried sick all night!" JJ says. "yeah i'm fine i didn't cut to deep as you told me too. I'll see you and the rest of you around yeah?" y/n touches JJ's elbow and walks away. She arrives at the Cameron estate and rings the doorbell. The door open and a woman with blonde hair opens the door dressed up answers the door. "Hey I'm y/n Rafe's girlfriend, is he here?" y/n makes up an excuse. "No he's out at the moment. Do you want to wait inside?" Rose asks. "Okay" y/n replies. "That's a nice dress" y/n compliments her. "Thanks i'm going to a party" she says. "Ward I'm going now I'll see you later love you" she says. God that word just won't stop fucking haunting y/n over the past day. "love you too"  Ward says it, even after fucking y/n.
The door shuts and Ward takes y/n upstairs. "Is anyone home?" y/n asks. "No just me and you now" Ward says. "This your room?" y/n questions. "Mhm" Ward answers. "Come. Sit down" Ward pats the spot next to him and y/n sits down. "I think i should break up with Rafe it's not right that I cheated on him with his own father too" y/n says. "Yeah but we don't need to worry about that now" he says. "All that matters is me and you" Ward says. "I bought you something" Ward says and pulls out a box that reads "victoria's secret" from under his bed. "What's this?" y/n says. "open it" Ward smiles. She undoes the ribbon and pulls the lid of the box and two lacey thongs lie in the box. "You only threw out one" she says. "I know" he smiles. "Lay down" Ward says and y/n obliges and lays down on this bed. "What is this?" Ward asks. Y/n completely forgot about the cuts on her legs from last night. Y/n sits up and tucks her hair behind her ears. "If I tell you will you promise not to get mad at me?" she asks him. "why would i ever be mad at you baby?" Ward asks concerned. "I hurt myself last night" y/n exclaims. "Because of me?" Ward asks concerned. "Yeah kind of. I just didn't know what was going on in my head. Don't make a big deal out of if" she says. "No I won't I promise I'll get you cleaned up I'll go get a towel and some plasters" Ward says. "Okay"
y/n smiles. Two minutes later, Ward comes back with a wet towel and some plasters. "Just tell me if this hurts okay sweetheart?" Ward says. "Okay daddy" she says. "I love it when you call me that" he smiles. "Ahh" y/n yells out in pain. "God how many are there?" Ward references to the scars that lay on y/n's thigh. "If you ever feel like doing this again. Call me" Ward makes direct eye contact with y/n. "I promise" y/n promises him. "Good girl" he says and places another plaster on y/n's thigh. "Your all cleaned up sweetheart" he says. "You care for me in a way Rafe could never even dream of. And I'm grateful for that" y/n smiles. "Lay back down princess" Ward says. He takes off y/n's thong and throws it onto the floor. "Spread your legs wider sweetheart" Ward says and y/n obliges and spreads her legs further out onto the bed. "That's a good girl" Ward says. Ward then takes two of his fingers and rubs them on y/n's clit causing a moan to escape y/n's lips. "Mhm" y/n moans out. "Such a good girl for me" Ward says and those words alone allow y/n to cum. "Let me pleasure you now, kneel on the bed" y/n let's out. "Okay then" Ward says and take his pants off only leaving his massive cock in eye view. Ward then without any words brings his hand into y/n's hair and holds it there as she begins sucking his cock and brings her hand and moves it up and down his length. "That's a good girl make daddy cum" Ward says. "Oh fuck" Ward says after y/n looks up at him with that innocent look in her eyes again. "Just like that keep on going baby" Ward moans. "Daddy's gonna cum in your mouth in a second fuck" Ward moans out. Y/n's mouth then fills with cum and she swallows it and then takes her mouth off of Ward's cock. "Lay down princess" Ward says gesturing for y/n to lay in his arms and she obliges and lays in them. "I don't think you realise how beautiful you are" Ward says and pulls her out of her arms so now she's layed beneath him. "Let's take your bra of" Ward says and y/n sits up. "Arms up" Ward demands and pulls y/n's shirt off of her head leaving her in only a bra. But he unclasps that too leaving her naked. He then begins to kiss both of her breasts one after another. He was infatuated with just how huge her tits were alone. She then placed her arm to cover her tits hiding herself from him. "No no no don't cover up not for me" Ward kisses her on the lips and moves her arm from the failed attempt of covering her gigantic breasts. She then bites down on her lip. "Let's not be uneven now daddy" y/n says as she begins unbuttoning his shirt and slips it off of his shoulders. He then continues to pin her down beneath him and kisses her on the lips passionately. He then spreads her legs for her. "No condom again?" He asks and she nods her head in approval/agreement. "Ahh. Ohhh" she moans out as Ward enters her and immediately begins thrusting. "Oh yeah. yes daddy" she moans out. The sound of Ward's moans mixing with her's. "Oh yeah right there" she moans. "Don't stop,harder" she moans out. "God you are such a slut for me aren't you?" Ward laughs. "I'm gonna cum" Ward says. "Do it in my mouth" y/n says. "Okay slut" Ward says. "Open wide" he says and y/n obliges and opens her mouth wide. "There you go sweetheart swallow it" Ward says and y/n gulps. "Turn onto your side sweetheart" Ward says. "Your going to have to thrust into me okay?" Ward says. "yes daddy" y/n says. "That's a good girl beautiful" Ward says. "Mhm ahh" y/n moans out. "Good girl y/n face me" Ward brings his hand onto y/n chin to turn her face to him. "You are so beautiful" she continues to thrust and moan out. "I'm going to cum" y/n says. "Do it on my cock then suck it afterwards you dirty little slut" Ward says as y/n releases. Y/n then continues to bring her mouth down to his cock. "That's a good girl" Ward says and runs his hands through y/n's hair. "Let's do it once last time now" Ward says. "I'm going to be so weak by the end of this" y/n exclaims. Ward lays her diagonally onto the bed so she can see herself in the mirror. Ward points at the mirror. "So you can watch yourself cum" he says. He begins to thrust into her. "Oh yeah" she says. "My legs hurt baby" she says. "Shhh" Ward shushes her and y/n tries to remain quiet. "That feels amazing" Ward blurts out. "Good girl" Ward says. He begins to pick up the pace causing a series of loud moans to exit y/n's lips. "Shit I'm going to cum" Ward says. "Ahhh oh yeah" Ward blurts out and stops. "Do you want me to let you finish?" Ward asks and y/n shakes her head in pain and a concerned look develops on Ward's face. "Baby what's wrong" he says and
y/n falls from her knees unable to keep her balance. Ward's eyes go down to y/n's thigh. Her cuts are bleeding again. "I'm weak" y/n says. "And your also bleeding aswell baby" Ward says. "Shit" y/n begins to cry. "Shh don't cry" Ward says. "I'll go wet this towel again" Ward says and enters his on-sweet bathroom and turns on the tap. He turns the tap off and runs to y/n again peeling back her plasters which are covered in blood. "Just keep that on it for a short while Rose won't be back until early hours anyway and Wheezie's sleeping at a friends house" Ward tells y/n. "I can't walk"
y/n says. "I can't move" y/n says. "Shit are you okay?" Ward asks. "Yeah you might of just fucked me a little bit to hard" y/n laughs. Y/n and Ward then cuddle up into each others arms and fall asleep.

word count: 2076

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