Chapter 1

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Suho walked along the vast open beach, feeling the cool ocean breeze on his face. The smell of the salty sea air filled his nostrils with every breath he took. "Are you ready to explore the ocean?" his father, Current, asked him. "Of course, Dad!" Suho replied eagerly. He extended his paws and gently dipped them into the water, watching in awe as his fur slowly transformed into shimmering scales. His talons separated, forming delicate webs, and his tail grew elongated fins. Suho's teeth sharpened, becoming perfectly suited for ripping apart fish. He nodded at his father, who sat down on the shore. Current nodded back, his eyes shining with pride. With newfound confidence, Suho waded deeper into the water, immersing himself completely. He took a deep breath and plunged into the ocean, letting his transformed claws guide him through the depths. "It's amazing!" he exclaimed to himself, delighted by the aquatic world that unfolded before him. Tiny fish swam up to him, their scales glistening in the sunlight. Curiosity got the best of him, and Suho turned to one of the fish. "Have you ever wondered what it's like underneath us?" he asked, his voice echoing through the water. The fish, intrigued, swam closer to his face, a glimmer of curiosity in its eyes. Slowly, it guided Suho out of the water, into a hidden underwater realm. As night fell, Suho emerged from the depths, scanning the horizon. To his surprise, he saw that the water had transformed. The light color gave way to a spectacle of luminous hues, as EXO's superpower signs lit up across the water. "You can now walk up to your sign to unlock your power," a voice echoed through the air. Eagerly, Suho set his claw on the water's surface and observed as his sign— a droplet filled with intricate patterns—illuminated on his shoulder. A sense of immense pride washed over him as he marveled at his newfound ability. With the rest of his brothers by his side, Suho waited patiently in line for his turn. "Don't we have to wait for our last two brothers?" Tao questioned, glancing around anxiously. "Kai is here already, but he's a bit shy," Mother explained, casting a reassuring glance in Kai's direction. "And as for our youngest brother..." Before Chen could finish his sentence, Mother pointed to her stomach. "He's right here," she said, a gentle smile gracing her face. Kris, unable to contain his excitement, sprang up and touched his mother tenderly, feeling the subtle movements from within. "Go ahead," she encouraged the others. Luhan, with his keen hearing, pressed his ear against Mother's belly. "I hear a heartbeat," he announced, his eyes widening in awe. Mother nodded in confirmation, and they all sat back in a line, waiting for their powers to be assigned. One by one, Mother assigned their powers, guiding them to their specific signs. Suho's heart raced as he stood up when it was finally his turn. He approached his sign, the droplet with intricate designs, and ran towards it with determination. As he touched it, the droplet began to glow, imprinting itself on his shoulder with radiant energy. "What's your superpower?" Mother asked, testing Suho's knowledge. Without hesitation, Suho proudly replied, "Water." As if in response to his answer, tiny droplets materialized around him, dancing in the air. Suho couldn't help but beam with joy, his face lit up with a glorious expression. Current watched from a distance, filled with love and admiration for his son. "Great job, Suho!" he exclaimed, rushing towards him with open arms. He hugged Suho tightly, a mixture of pride and affection filling their embrace. "Thank you, Dad," Suho whispered, leaning into his father's side. The two of them ventured further into the water, embracing the serenity of the ocean. As they drifted off to sleep, tiny cleaner fish approached, gently cleaning their teeth and scales. It was a peaceful and harmonious scene, embodying the bond between father and son. "Rest well, my children," Mother's gentle voice echoed through the water. The eerie glow from the signs disappeared as everyone made their way back to their resting places. Suho and Current stayed in the water's embrace, finding solace in each other's company.

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