A Bimbo in Limbo

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"Let me see... " you thought with yourself as you turn of the water, coming out of the shower and applying you favorite body cream. "I have my underwear... the white socks... skirt and shirt... okay..." checking everything, you started dressing up, thinking about your first day at Akademi. "I wonder what kind of new things the future has planned for me...". Now, almost ready, you walk towards the mirror in your room, planning to do your favorite hairstyle. You then proceeded with your morning routine.

R/N: Mom! I'm leaving home! - you said after putting your shoes on.
R/M: Have a good day, sweetie!!! - words were heard from the kitchen.
R/N: I will! Thanks!

Walking to school, distracted, you suddenly see a boy closing the door of his house. He's wearing the Akademi uniform... Maybe he is a classmate? While analyzing him, he turns to you really fast.

???: Humm... Is there something I can help you with?
R/N: Oh! I'm sorry! That was really rude, I shouldn't stare like this...
???: It's okay... I guess? I had never seen you around here before... yet you seem to study at Akademi, are you new or something?
R/N: Yes!! I moved recently! I got offered a scholarship to study at Akademi and I moved right away with my parents!
???: Great! - he said sarcastically - you're one of those.
R/N: Excuse me... what? - your smile dropped, that was rude...
???: If you won a scholarship, you're probably one of that well behaved teacher's pet girly, am I right?
R/N: I am not a teacher's pet! And that was a really mean assumption! - he laughed
???: Sure sure, as you wish girlie... Now buzz off! - a new voice was heard.
???: Oh, look who is he! Umeji Kizuguchi! Are you trying to flirt with this poor little girl? - the beautiful girl with a cuter version of your uniform turns to you - Do you wanna fuck him, sweetie?
Umeji: What the hell? What is wrong with you? Stay the fuck away from me! Both of you! - he started walking, mumbling - crazy bitches...
???: Are you okay? Did that cunt hurt you? - you were confused. What was all this?
R/N: Well... yeah... I'm fine. Just a bit confused.
???: You must be new, otherwise you wouldn't be talking to Umeji.
R/N: Yeah! I actually am. I have a scholarship. I'll be a student from class 1-1 from now on!
???: You are adorable! And your hairstyle is soooo pretty! My name is Musume Ronshaku, from class 3-1! Akademi's most popular AND pretty girl! Of course... and you are...?
R/N: My name is R/L/N R/N, pleasure to meet you Ronshaku-Senpai!
Musume: Awww! Well, since you are new, and you seem like a good person I'll guide you trough this jungle so called school. That boy... - you took a glance at him, he was far - his name is Umeji Kizuguchi, and he's the leader of the delinquents.
R/N: Delinquents?
Musume: Yeah... but don't be scared. They're just a group of pussies! - she laughed really hard. He was mean to you, but you couldn't help but feel kinda affected by what Musume said. You definitely CAN'T be on her bad side.
Musume: Alright sweetie, you can stick with us for today, you really need a makeover tho! But that can wait... Can you find me and my friends outside school at 4:00 PM? We're going shopping and if you wanna be our friend you need to look like one of us.
R/N: I guess... I really need a makeover...
Musume: Purrfect! Let's go!

You walked by her side, after 5 minutes you spotted a group of girls talking.
Musume: Hello girlies!!
???: Musume! Finally! - said a girl with purple highlights
Musume: I'm sorry dear! I had some troubles with Umeji - she laughed
???: Did he hurt you? - asked a girl with a yellow jacket on her waist
Musume: No... but he almost did something awful to this poor girl - the girls look at you, while you stand there confused and Musume squesh your cheeks.
???: Poor thing! What did that scumbag do to you? - the same girl asked you
Musume: Pretty sure he wanted to... you know.. lay with her - they look at you in shock
R/N: What? But that was the first time I ever talked to him!
Musume: Yeah, that's exactly why... Anyway... Let me introduce to the girls! The one in pink is Momoiro Kokoro, she's from class 1-2.
Kokoro: Pleasure to meet you! - she said smiling, she sure seems nice.
Musume: The girl in green is Mizudori Hoshiko, and she's from the same class as you!
Hoshiko: Same class? That will be cool! We can totally do group projects and school stuff together!
Musume: Yeah... well... the girl in yellow is Daidaiyama Hana, from 2-1.
Hana: Hello there sweetie!
Musume: And finally Murasaki Kashiko. The girl in purple!
Kashiko: Hey.
R/N: Pleasure to meet you girls. I'm R/L/N R/N
Kokoro: Omg! Your skin looks so soft!
Hoshiko: Yeah but she doesn't seem like one of us!
Musume: That's why we're going shopping today, after school!
Hana: Oh my god I looove shopping days!

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