Gluttony Lady

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been active recently. I was facing a concerning case of bullying and stalking. But now I'm fine and ready to post! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

Small warning: This chapter will have 18+ parts. Either ways, I hope you enjoy!

After the "incident" earlier, you are now in your bed thinking about everything that has happened. That was... wild... Memories running trough your mind... until someone opens the door.

Mom: R/N?
R/N: Yes mom...?
Mom: Is everything okay?
R/N: Just... thinking...
Mom: About?
R/N: Stuff...
Mom: Do you want me to go?
R/N: Yes please...
Mom: Good night sweetie...
R/N: Night mom...

"I need to go to sleep... I don't know why, but I have a feeling that tomorrow is gonna be a long day."
As you turn around to sleep you heard a sound on your window.
And another one...
You get up quickly and run to your window, opening it. There's a silhouette... a male silhouette... but you couldn't quite understand who is this person...

R/N: Umeji...? Is it you...?

Either ways you peek outside your window. "Huh?"
???: Let me in...
R/N: Who are you? Why are you throwing pebbles at my window?
???: I need to talk to you...
R/N: Tell me who you are...
???: Let me in...


R/N: I won't let you in until you tell me who you are!

Your answer didn't affect him either ways... he just stayed quiet until you eventually got annoyed and throw a random jumping rope so he could climb.

???: Thank you...
R/N: Who are you?
???: I heard that your friend was planning a party...
R/N: Uh... Yeah...
???: I thought you were supposed to invite everyone at school...
R/N: ...
???: Why wasn't I invited?
R/N: Get out of here!
???: I want to go.
R/N: You are not a student at Akademi...
???: I am.
R/N: No.
???: It's fine if you don't believe me.
R/N: You didn't even told me your name...
???: Ayato.
R/N: Ayato...?
Ayato: Aishi...
R/N: Ayato Aishi? Are you somehow linked to Ayano-chan?
Ayato: She is my sister...
R/N: Then... how come I never saw you at Akademi!?
Ayato: I transferred recently, my sister needs help with her... studies...
R/N: ...
Ayato: You don't seem to believe me...
R/N: I don't. But you're Ayano's brother so I don't care... You're lucky I printed more invites in case someone lose theirs...
Ayato: It was REALLY nice to finally meet you... R/N... - "this was so creepy and for what?" was the only thing you could think about
R/N: Please leave my room now...
Ayato: See you around...

He left...

"This was terrifying... I should go to sleep now..."

Time break: April 23rd, indoor cafeteria

Hoshi: R/N-chan?
R/N: Huh?
Hoshi: Were you listening?
R/N: I... no.
Kashi: Sigh
Hana: Musume just told us that you and Hoshi are going to have a new teacher from now on!
Momo: And that the school is receiving a nurse student! He'll be helping Miss Kankoshi.
R/N: That seems... nice...? But how do you know all of this Musume?
Musume: Well... It happens that one of my maids used to be best friends with Miss Nabatame back in their college days. And apparently, your teacher is pregnant. So she'll be taking some time off. To take care of the baby and stuff. This week is her last one before her maternity license. Nabatame-sensei also told her about that nurse boy. I think his name is... Mujo... Kina...?
R/N: I see...
Hoshi: Sooo... R/N... How are the plans about my party going?
R/N: Well... I invited everyone... and apparently... Ayano Aishi has a brother.
Hana: She does?!
Momo: Really?!
Kashi: Is he single?
Musume: Is he hot?
Hoshi: Did you invited him?
R/N: Yes. Yes. I don't know. Yes. Yes.
Musume: Honestly? I don't think Kashi cares if he's single or not... - she said joking
Kashi: You know me... - and Kashi smiles
R/N: Anyways... Today I'm going to buy some food and decorations...
Hoshi: That seems just perfect!
Momo: We should go now... specially you two! I don't think it'll be very fun to upset a pregnant lady.
R/N: You're right... See you around girls! Let's go Hoshi-chan. - as you girls were walking down the stairs, Hoshi holds your hand.
R/N: Huh?!
Hoshi: R/N-chan... I want to thank you for your help! You are being so sweet making all of this party thing for me... I can't thank you enough...
R/N: Oh... you don't need to Hoshi-chan...
Hoshi: Oh but I will! I have a reaaaally nice surprise for you! Hehehe
R/N: Not gonna lie, I'm kinda scared.
Hoshi: You'll like it! - you smile, she's sweet after all.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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