Lust Until Dusk

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It was about 5:40 AM, you and the girls are reunited in Odayaka bakery. Odayaka Amao is the son of the bakery owners, and your upperclassman, even tho you haven't seen him around school, since he's too busy helping his parents with the bakery.

Hana: So... what did you want to tell us?
R/N: I... I have received some weird texts...
Musume: Is someone bothering you? R/N: Well... yeah... you know that school legend? "Info-chan"?
Hoshi: Well, yeah... why?
R/N: She... was... the one who bullied me...
Momo: What?!
Musume: Are you joking?
R/N: No! I'm not! I swear!
Kashi: So... she IS real...
R/N: Yeah...
Musume: So now you have to worry about your tasks AND about that?
R/N: What?! What tasks?
Hana: Oh, we didn't tell you?
R/N: No...?
Kashiko: Each one of you is going to give you a different task. Think of it as a challenge...
R/N: Why tho?
Hoshiko: We need to make sure you're worthy of our time!
R/N: Ahh...
Kokoro: Girls! Please, let's not forget about why we're here!
R/N: Rght! Info-chan...
Hana: Well... what does she want?
R/N: She asked me to stay close to the delinquents. No... not the delinquents... their leader...
Musume: Ugh! Why?
R/N: I don't know, but she's doing it for a client... - you said handing them your phone as they read the messages
Kashi: Do you know who this "client" is?
R/N: No idea. I saw a face before I got knocked out, but I just can't remember... However... I did heard a female voice other than Info-chan's.
Hoshi: What?! She even threatened you with that Horuda shit?
Musume: ALRIGHT! I HAVE AN IDEA! - she slammed the table really hard. - we need to find who this client is... if we find out who she is, we can "ask" her to tell Info-chan to give this "task" to someone else...
Kashi: That seems like a good idea...
Momo: Alright, give me a second... Hey, Odayaka senpai? - the man was cleaning the table on the opposite side of the bakery
Odayaka: Yes Koko-chan?
Momo: Could you please bring me a pen and a piece of paper?
Odayaka: Of course. - the man went to the kitchen and came back with a pen and a piece of paper
Momo: Alright, now we only need to make a list of suspects with the girls who study at akademi, as the time goes by, we can eliminate some girls of this list, leading us to the last name on the list, which will probably be this secret client. - she said while scribbling some names on the paper.

List of suspects:
Ajia Ashitomi
Akane Toriyasu
Aoi Ryugoku
Ayano Aishi
Beruma Dinkuri
Beshi Takamine
Dafuni Bureiku
Dora Tamamoto
Eiko Nunomaki
Gita Yamahato
Himari Fujita
Horuda Umetsu
Homu Kurusu
Inkyu Basu
Kiba Kawaito
Kokona Harukawa
Kokuma Jikihara
Kumi Demura
Kuroko Kamenaga
Mai Wakahara
Mana Tanahashi
Meka Nikaru
Midori Gurinish
Mina Rakuyama
Miyuji Shibakoya
Pippi Osafune
Raibaru Fumetsu
Saki Mayuzumi
Sakura Hagiwara
Sakyu Basu
Shima Shibahara
Shiromi Torayoshi
Sumire Suzuki
Suzuko Chijimatsu
Taeko Yamada
Tokuko Kitagawa
Tsubaki Uesugi
Uekiya Engeika

Kokoro: Alright... I think that's all...
Kashiko: I soooo need to go to sleep now...
Musume: Well... we're already ready for school, but we can still nap for a bit. Can we sleep a bit in your house R/N?
R/N-chan: Huh... yeah sure... I guess that's fine...
Musume: Cool! Let's go girls! You and the girls arrive at your house, and sleep for about an hour before heading to school

Momo: Hey R/N... Remember about the tasks you had to do for us?
R/N: Yeah, I do Momo...
Momo: Well, can you come with me? I need to talk about that with you...
R/N: Sure... Let's go. See you later girls. - you said waving
Musume: See ya cuties. - they wave back

You and Momo walk towards the student council room
R/N: I don't know if we should be here, Momo-chan... - you said as she closes the doors
Momo: Don't worry... the student council members are too busy patrolling the school... they won't come here before 4:00 PM.
R/N: Alright... Sooo... about that task...
Momo: Yeah... I don't really need much, I just... I want to apologize to Horuda! Please don't tell anyone I said this...
R/N: Hey... it's fine, I won't... but I thought you hated her...
Momo: I just pretend R/N... We used to be best friends... but I didn't want to get bullied... again...
R/N: Oh... Momo...
Momo: So I dumped her... and joined Musume's friend group so I wouldn't become their next target... - you think for a bit
R/N: I'll help you!
Momo: Oh thank you so much!!! You're so sweet R/N-chan! I might just start to call you Ai-chan!* - she hugs you

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