New Land Arc, ep6

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Episode 6: Guests from beyond
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The three of them sat there and spoke until sunset. Marielle told Bernard everything about herself, the Argent Dawn and how it worked. She promised Bernard that she would help him find his sister.

Sword practice was over at this point and the three were heading back to Northshire, when Bernard informed them that he would be spending the night in a small house near Stormwind instead. Once on the main road, Tristan and Marielle went north to Northshire, while Bernard went on his way to Stormwind. Once in Tristan's home, Marielle sat down and opened a notebook of hers.

- Tristan: What's that?

- Marielle: It's a notebook where we, argent knights, write down the name of each spirit we've sent to the afterlife. Each one of us across the planet has this notebook and it's context is the same for everyone.

- Tristan: What? How?

- Marielle: Each time one of us writes something in his notebook, it appears on the same place in everyone else's notebook. If Bernard's sister is dead, her name will be in here.

A few minutes later, Marielle's forest devil tracking device activated and showed a red dot on the map.

- Tristan: The first one for tonight, let's go.

- Marielle: I will stay here.

- Tristan: What?

- Marielle: I will be reading trough the notebook in search of Sarah. You can handle a forest devil without me, right?

- Tristan: Sure, but I thought you were supposed to be with me anywhere I went. Something related to you getting your powers back..

- Marielle: Nothing will happen from missing one fight. I also promised Bernard that I'll help him, I have to.

- Tristan: Very well then. I should be back soon, don't stay up too late.

- Marielle: Good luck.

- Tristan: To you as well.

Tristan then took Marielle's voidspawn tracking device and left.

Tristan arrived at the location of the forest devil in the forest and saw it attacking the spirit of a bear. He cleaved down the creature and headed back to Northshire, except the device then tracked not one, but 5 forest devils across the map.

- Tristan: I guess it'll be a long night..

After defeating the last one a few hours later, Tristan headed home. Upon arrival, he saw no trace of Marielle, except a note on one of the tables. It read "Tristan, I have information about Bernard's family that I have to share with him. I've left for Bernard's place and I'll be back in the morning."

Marielle had chosen to take a shorter route to Bernard's house through the forest. While walking, she felt a presence.

- Marielle(thinking): What was that just now, it felt familiar..

Marielle stopped walking and stood still.

- Marielle: Come out, whoever you are. I know you're there.

A young man's voice was then heard saying "So you've kept your ability to sense us, unlike the rest of you abilities."

- Marielle(thinking): That voice..

The man then revealed himself, jumping down from one of the nearby trees.

A blade in hand, and wearing a standard black and white Argent Dawn uniform.


- Marielle: Kael, what are you doing here?

- Kael: Marielle, I've come to take you back to the Argent Dawn.

- Marielle: What? Why?

- Kael: You're asking why?!

The man pointed his blade at her.

- Kael: Are you going to pretend you don't know what crime you've commited? We know it all, Marielle. We know about Tristan Crestfall. We know you gave your argent knight powers to a normal human. Just what were you thinking..

Marielle did not reply, nor did she look him in the eyes. She couldn't.

- Kael: I've been ordered to return you to the Argent Dawn. Preferably alive. Make it easier, do not resist.

Just as Kael said those words, an arrow struck him in the back of the shoulder.

- Kael: What the..

Turning around, Kael saw a human with a crossbow in arms.

- Marielle: Bern..

- Kael(thinking): This one sees me.. and shot me..

- Bernard: Marielle is not going anywhere.

- Kael: Are you Tristan by any chance? - Kael asked, as he pulled the crossbow arrow out of his shoulder.

- Bernard: No.

- Kael: Who are you then?

- Bernard: I respect the fact that you asked. One always wants to know the name of the person, who kills them. In this case..

- Marielle: Bernard, you have to leave!

Bernard reloaded his crossbow and aimed and Kael went into a battle stance

- Bernard: My name.. is Bernard Reed. - he said, before releasing the arrow..

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