Argent Dawn Arc, ep5

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Episode 5: Power of the blade
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Jeremy and Elaine had defeated their foes, only Bernard and Tristan remained.
- Bernard: Argent knight, I've fought one of your kind before.
- Knight: I remember Kael talking about knocking out a guy with a crossbow, judging by your choice of weapon, I'll assume that's you.
- Bernard: I was having a bad day, mistakes happen.
- Knight: Fighting me is a decision you will later consider a mistake. I hope I will not ruin your day.
Just as the knight placed his hand on his sheathed blade's hilt, an arrow landed in his shoulder.
- Knight: Hm.. That was quick.
- Bernard: I went through hell of a practice before coming here, I'd be annoyed if it didn't pay off.
The knight then pulled the arrow out of his shoulder and then his sword out of the scabbard.
- Knight: I will make sure to find and defeat that trainer of yours after I'm rid of you.
Bernard laughed.
- Bernard: You know.. seeing this enthusiasm in you, I'm almost down to let you live just to watch you try. Oh and you didn't tell me your name.
- Knight: I don't intend to.
- Bernard: That's fine with me.
Bernard then aimed at the knight once again.
Not far away from them stood Tristan and his opponent, a tall and visibly strong knight.
- Tristan(thinking): His uniform is different in comparison to that of the other three. He has a badge, similar to that of Kael..
- Knight: Tristan Crestfall, the man who took Marielle's powers. I never believed the honour to defeat you would be all mine. Commander Levi will reward me greatly for this.
- Tristan: Sorry lad, but I can't die yet. I have to speak to your division leader first. If it means going through you, then so be it.
- Knight: Challenge accepted, Tristan Crestfall.
And so, their battles began.
Far away from there, in the majestic city of the Argent Dawn, news had spread of the intruders within the autumn forests. Word of the unknown threat was spreading to the grounds of all eleven argent divisions. Yet none felt bothered, knowing that the Fifth division was chosen to deal with this intrusion. Despite that, the leader of the division, Levi Evant, did not seem too concerned. He was often spotted having walks around the city, enjoying tea with friends from his division or meditating in the peaceful atmosphere of the Fifth division gardens. Kael Nyght, his second-in-command, was often around him and in the rare occasions when he wasn't with his lord, he was visiting the central prison tower, where his friend Marielle was counting her final days.
One ordinary morning, Levi was resting in his division's quarters, when he heard footsteps approaching his chamber, followed by a knock on the doors.
- Messenger: Commander, a report!
- Levi: I'm listening.
- Messenger: Our sensors have detected high amounts of energy released in the forest, close to the camp of one of our division members you sent to hunt down the intruders.
- Levi: It appears a fight has broken out. It's alright, they will handle it.
- Messenger: Commander, two of the four members in this group have their power levels dropping to dangerously low levels. It appears they have been.. defeated.
Levi's unbothered demeanor disappeared, instead he displayed a face of concern.
- Levi: What of the other two?
- Messenger: They are still engaged in combat.
- Levi: Hmm.. Prepare my horse, we are departing..
Bernard fired an arrow towards his opponent, only for the arrow to change it's direction and go for Bernard instead, who dodged it by luck.
- Bernard: Hey! What was..
- Knight: Oh, I'm sure you know our weapons allow us access to abilities.. My ability is to redirect attacks that I catch with my eyes.
- Bernard: So that's why the arrow reached you earlier.
- Knight: Precisely, and it won't reach me again.
Bernard released another arrow, and again, it returned.
- Knight: Give up, that crossbow will not hurt me.
- Bernard: How about this?
Bernard then fired 3 arrows at the same time towards. One by one, they were once again redirected towards him, before being avoided and landing into a nearby tree.
- Knight: It's hopeless!
- Bernard(thinking): That's it! When I fired three arrows, he struggled to turn them against me. It appears he can only fully focus on one at a time and the more they are, the harder it is for him.
- Knight: Let's not waste time, I grow tired.
The knight then charged towards Bernard, blade in hand. Bernard fired another three arrows and ran in the opposite direction. His enemy deflected the arrows and ran after him.
- Knight: Are you going to run now?
- Bernard: I am a ranger, I specialise in long range combat. Fighting in melee range against a knight with this crossbow of mine would be a bad idea.
- Knight: I like the way you think, but it's of no use.
- Bernard: What?
Bernard looked behind, but the knight had disappeared. Suddenly, he jumped out of a nearby bush right in front of Bernard and punched him in the face with a force that made him go a meter backwards and fall on the ground.
- Bernard: Damn.. you..
- Knight: Hahah! You underestimate me.
Blood came out of Bernard's mouth, but he wiped it off and stood back up. Yet again, he raised his crossbow and aimed.
In the meantime, Tristan and his opponent were exchanging strong attacks, but without successfully landing any.
- Knight: You're strong, an ordinary human wouldn't be able to match me in speed or strength. That's admirable, but it's not enough. You possess an ability too, don't you? You should, since you have the powers of an argent knight.
- Tristan: Perhaps, but why would I use it on you?
- Knight: Because you will die if you don't.
- Tristan: Sounds like confidence to me.
- Knight: You know I'm different from those other three. I saw you looking at my badge. The one that makes my uniform differ from theirs and yours.
- Tristan: What's so special about it?
- Knight: This is called a power level badge. It's given to knights of higher ranks in their divisions. More specifically, the top two.
- Tristan: So.. you're the strongest in your division?
- Knight: Close, but I came third. The strongest in my division is my lord and commander, Levi Evant. The second strongest in my division is the one you know as Kael Nyght.
- Tristan: That would make you..
- Knight: I am Mordecai, nicknamed "Trueblade", third strongest in the Fifth division under commander Levi. And I will be the one to defeat you!
While Tristan and Mordecai were still introducing themselves, Bernard and his opponent were exchanging arrows and swings. Suddenly, Bernard managed to land an arrow in the knight's sword arm.
- Knight: Oh, one went by. No big deal, I will still catch and cut you down.
Bernard stopped running and smiled. When the knight caught up to him and raised his blade in the air for the killing blow, his arm suddenly went numb and he dropped his blade on the ground.
- Knight: What the!
- Bernard: No big deal, you say? It's not a big deal against an ordinary arrow. My arrows are by no means ordinary.
- Knight: What did you do?!
- Bernard: The arrow that accidentally reached you past your sword's ability, contained a specific type of venom I like using against my foes. It's an desert scorpid venom.. known for being used in medicine and healing salves, but also for it's ability to paralyse if injected in the right spot. Your arm went numb, didn't it? Now it's your left arm, soon it will be your right arm, then legs..
- Knight: Why..
- Bernard: Why would I fire such dangerous arrows against someone who sends them right back at me? For that 1% chance of it reaching it's originally intended target. It's a risk, but see.. When it works, it's worth it.
Bernard then loaded another arrow and aimed once more..
Tristan wasn't having an easy time, however. Despite his training, he still struggled to keep up with Mordecai's speed and strength. One of the attacks missed him by so little, that he could feel the steel of the enemy blade without it touching him.
- Mordecai: I am impressed, whoever trained you did a great job.. There aren't many people, who can completely avoid my attacks for this long. But I grow tired of this battle, so I intend to end it. Now.. my blade - Beheader, will be your end.
Suddenly, Mordecai's blade began glowing slightly, as if reflecting the sunlight, but stronger.
- Mordecai: Come on, show me that ability of yours.
- Tristan: You will have to do more than this light show to make me use it.
- Mordecai: Sure!
The two then charged towards eachother once again. When their blades met, Tristan found himself unable to hold off Mordecai's might. Sensing this, he jumped back just in time to avoid a strike that ended up cracking the solid ground between them, but not without taking damage. The shockwave had partly affected him, he was in pain and struggling to hold his blade tight.
- Mordecai: I told you not to toy with me.
- Tristan: Seems I might have underestimated you indeed. Well then..
Tristan held his blade with both hands and closed his eyes. A wind appeared as an aura began forming in the area around Tristan himself in the shape of a big circle on the ground. It glowed in bright yellow, like a drawing of pure light.
- Mordecai: Wait.. this is--
- Tristan: This.. is the end of our fight.
His sword then caught on fire.
- Tristan: You wanted to know what my power is.. This is it.
Mordecai stared in disbelief, unable to move.
- Tristan: Credit to my superior, thanks to him I learned all I needed to defeat you today. You asked what my power was, I will tell you.
Tristan then raised his blade in the air and prepared to strike.
- Tristan: My power.. is the holy light!
Tristan swung his blade at Mordecai, which resulted in a massive explosion. The fight.. was finished.
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To be continued...

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