Chapter 2 - Somebody I used to know...

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Disclaimer | This chapter is more focused on Peapy and his friends, also a little explicit

Peapy was chilling inside his house hanging out with his friends, Wally, Mushy, Bonkers, and a new friend who's a female named Bloomy, who's a Bloomerang.

Mushy - "Bonkers, tell me why you like hitting on girls that you don't even know, especially ones you just met?" He asked, waiting for Bonkers to respond.

Bonkers - "It's to extend the friendship more, you feel me?" He said, attempting to sound smart.

Bloomy - "Don't you already know a girlfriend?" She asks, with a puzzled look. "Also how did we go from music to this?" She asked, mainly looking at Peapy.

Peapy- "Well that's just the fun and nature of this group, it's mostly caused by Bonkers, Wally can vouch for me, he's known Bonkers more than I have." He said, which is true, Wally has known him more than Mushy and Peapy.

Wally - "That is 100% true, we were the first ones to form this little group, there were actually 6 of us, the 6th member being a Chomper, his name was Bitey, but he, unfortunately, moved to another state, and this was back in 1st grade, he moved in 3rd grade." He said, with a scuffed face.

Peapy - "He was my neighbor across the street, I do wonder how he's doing nowadays, I do kinda miss him." He said, sounding a little sad.

Then there was a knock on the door

Peapy - "Ward?" He said, confused.

Mushy - "That isn't the pizza man, right? He said he was arriving at 5, and it's 4:14." He asked.

Peapy - "It's probably Sunny, she probably left something here..." He said, as he got up and walked to the door.

Bonkers - "Left something that was gonna be used for sex," He said, laughing while Bloomy and Mushy were annoyed by that, and Wally gave him a "Are you serious rn?" face.

Peapy - "BONKERS OH MY GOODNESS!!! Shut the hell up with that! He shouted and blushed at the same time. "All we did was watch a movie, stop doing that!"

Bonkers - "You have just had yet to admit the fact that you love Sun-" He was saying until he got interrupted.

Bloomy - "Bonkers that's enough, Peapy is gonna seriously kill you." She said, which Peapy scoffed at Bonkers afterwards, while he rolled his eyes at him.

The knock on the door became louder

Peapy - "I'm COMING!" He shouted, walking to the door, he opened it and was left speechless as he saw a familiar purple spiked flytrap.

Peapy - "No..." He spewed out, shedding a tear of happiness. "It's... It's you..."

Bitey - "Heck yeah, guess who's back?!" He yelled, being excited to see Peapy again.

Peapy - "BITEY!" He yelled, giving him a big hug. "Welcome back! And I gotta say, you're looking better than ever!"

Bitey - "Thanks, I thought about visiting you and the guys, since it has been a while" He claimed, looking happy as ever.

Peapy - "Which state are you even living in now? He asked, "Because you never told us before left."

Bitey - "The UK" He answered.

Peapy - "And how long are you here for?" He asked, tilting his head.

Bitey - "2 weeks," He said, clearly Peapy was hoping he would say a month, but 2 weeks is better than nothing.

Peapy - "Oh sweet!" He said, "Come on in, the rest of the guys... and girl, will be excited to see you in the flesh!" He said, with a wide smile.

Bitey walks into Peapy's house and is then greeted by the rest of the gang

Wally - "Aye! You're back!" He said, with a smile on his face.

Mushy - "BITEY!! You're back, nice to see you again bro!" He cheerfully said.

Bonkers - "Nice to see you again Snappy!" He said, calling Bitey the nickname he had given him since school.

Everyone greeted him, except Bloomy, which made sense because Bloomy had never met Bitey

Bloomy - "Who are you?" She asked, tilting her head to the left. "Wait, you must be Bitey, right?"

Bitey - "That's me!" He said, smirking. "And you are?"

Bloomy - "The name is Bloomy, nice to meet you." She said, with a little smile.

Bitey - "I know I just came back and all, but I need to talk to Peapy outside." He said.

Peapy followed him outside, wondering what he needed to talk to him about.

Peapy - "Alright so what did you need to ta-" He was about to finish his sentence, till he got cut off by Bitey.

Bitey - "I know you like that Sunshine girl." He said, jumping straight into it.

Peapy - (Damn it, why does everyone I know besides Mushy, my siblings & parents know I like Sunny?) "Ok fine..." He said while walking away. "Yes, yes I do, but h-how did you know?" He asked.

Bitey - "You sent me an email for dating advice, which by the way, I know next to nothing about dating." He said, looking a little upset.

Peapy - "And when did I do this?" He asked not remembering when.

Bitey - "Like 4 months ago," He said.

Peapy - Looks at Bitey with an embarrassed look.

Bitey - "Anyways, that's all I needed to talk to you about, we can go back inside now." He said, walking off.

Peapy - (Just give yourself some time to cope, after all, you love Sunny, and Sunny loves you, just remember what Wally told you, and you are all good.) Walks right behind Bitey back inside the house.

Mushy - "So what do you guys want to do?" The mushroom asked, tilting his head.

Peapy - "We could watch a movie, like The Zombies Strike Back! or The Plant Revolution." He insisted.

Bloomy - "I'm pretty sure that I haven't watched The Zombies Strike Back! yet, so I wouldn't mind watching it." She said.

Peapy - "Then let's go do that." He said, getting up to put on the movie. Afterwards they all started to watch the movie.

Hey fam! Sorry if this chapter was short, I had no idea how to end it and how to extend it. This chapter would've been finished yesterday but I celebrated my birthday with family and friends yesterday. (I'm 15 now btw) Anyways again sorry that I didn't finish this sooner. But thanks for reading, and have a good rest of your day/night!

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