Chapter 3

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It's been a week since I came back to Chicago. Tara is on a two week trip with some of her friends so I haven't  seen her yet tho she calls me almost every day but I just ignore them most of the time cause that shits annoying. My uncle is going back to Seattle in three weeks cause he has business to handle in chicago.

I'm planning to get my own place soon with the money I made while I was in Seattle. I had a job, it wasn't the best but the pay was good and I was also selling on the side .

I'm currently working with Matt until I find a 'descent job' tho I'm making enough money just by selling.

" Now this right here is what am talking bout  " Jason said taking puff of the blunt then pass it back to me. I took a puff as well and this really was the shit.

Right now I'm at the trap house, 4 blocks down from Matt's house. I had work but Jason called me over and he always have the good shits so its whateva.

When I got to the trap everybody was either high or drunk or tryna get high and drunk. Most of them greeted me but some of the others were in a world of their own.

"Let me get a wiff" Tyler said. I passed the blunt to Tyler and as soon as I did we heard the front door slam open causing us to slightly come back to our senses. I took out my gun just in case then we heard someone shouting Tyler's name. When the person came into view we saw that it was Tyler's bestfriend Pablo looking pissed.

As soon as he saw Tyler he attacked him. He knocked Tyler down to the floor and got on top of him and started punching him repeatedly. Then Tyler started to fight back hitting Pablo but he wasn't using his full strength cause he was obviously holding back.

They started rolling on the ground then Tyler got an top of him and tried to ask him what's wrong when Pablo pushed him off then got back on top of him and started to beat the shit out of Tyler.

Tyler then started to really fight back and punched Pablo in his face causing Pablo to scream in pain.  He probably broke his nose cause that looked painful.

" So y'all are just gonna stand there? Break them up" Jason shouted. A random tall muscular guy when and took Pablo off of Tyler.

"You son of a bitch, I can't believe you really did that shit" Pablo said with blood running down his nose. " What you talking bout " Tyler asked confused.

"You know god damn well what I'm  talking bout. You thought I wouldn't find out?"

" What are you talking bout "  Tyler asked frustrated.

"Oh so you really don't remember fucking ma girl and getting her pregnant!?"

As soon as he said that all the colour drained from Tyler's face. "Wha....what did you just say?"

"Nigga did I stutter? you hear what I said" Pablo then chuckled and shoke his head " And you had the audacity to laugh in ma face and then went behind my back and fuck the girl who I told you I was planning on marring "

"It was an accident. I-" suddenly Pablo started to laugh cutting off Tyler.

"So you accidentally slipped your dick in her hole and accidentally fucked her so hard that she accidentally got pregnant after one accident? Do I look like a fucking idiot to you"

"Mane let me go" he said pushing the tall guy roughly.

"Both of you took me for a clown but I promise you that this won't be the end of it" he said then walked out leaving Tyler standing there looking guilty.

" Damn, thats fucked up" Tyler's brother Terrell said shaking his head.

"Was it good though " Terrell asked Tyler after a long silence . "Was what good?" 

"Her pussy" Terrell answer. "Really nigga" Jason said smacking him.

"What I wanna know" he said earning another slap from Jason, "Shut yo dumb ass up".

   "Ok jeez! can't a nigga be curious " Terrell said walking away and Jason just sighed.

"You good" he asked Tyler.

"Huh oh ye...yeah I'm good" Tyler said still in his thoughts." I'm just gonna take a walk to go clear my head"

"Looking like that" I said he looked at me confused and then realized what I was talking about " Oh yea I'll just go upstairs then" he said then headed  for the stairs.

" Well that was something " Jason said sitting down. " I know right" I said lighting another blunt that was on the table.

This why I don't do the love thing especially with these hoes out here. It just causes unnecessary drama. Plus these hoes are all for the streets.

I had a girlfriend back when I was in elementary school. One day me and her was drinking from the same straw and holding hands and the next she was eating from the same lunch box with another nigga sitting in his lap.

I fucked up both they asses and from that I never loved again. I only fuck around cause that's all these bitches out here good for.

My phone that was on the table light up and I saw that Matt was calling so I got up and step outside to answer it.

" Genesis where yo ass at" Matt said as soon as I answered.

"Chill out nigga I'm at the trap house"

" Nigga do you know what time it is? You should have been here 2 hours ago"

"I know"

"You-" he paused and took a deep breath, " Enzo is at the house wait for you " he said then hang up.

I  sigh and when back inside.

"Matt called so Ima leave" I said to Jason, " Alright see you around man" he said dabbing me up and then I left. By now I was high as shit but it didn't really matter.

As soon as I arrive at the house I saw Enzo leaning up against his car smiling at his phone.

" who got you smiling like that?" I ask uninterested. He look up at me then lick his lips " just someone I'm talking to" he said standing up straight.

"She cute" I asked and he then gave me a confused look then smirked. " Who said it's a she?" He said opening the car door while chuckling.

I don't know if I'm tweaking or if I heard right. I know that I'm high but I'm not that high. The nigga basically said he's gay as if it's nothing. Today's just filled with surprises isn't it.

I  was startled by the car when it suddenly beeped. " You getting in or what" Enzo said sticking his head through the car window. I just walked around the car and got in.



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