Chapter 5

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Last night was a damn blur ,me and Tara was hitting the bottle hard, drowning our sorrows like there ain't no tomorrow. When it got late, Matt played babysitter and put the kids to sleep, tucking 'em in nice and snug while we drank ourselves silly.

I peel my eyes open, feeling like I got hit by a Mack truck, twice. Damn, this hangover vicious and to make it worse the little devils was up and they was loud as fuck.

I groan, burying my head under the pillow, but it's no use. I'm up, whether I like it or not.

Draggin' ma self outta bed, I stumbled  down stairs and into the kitchen, squinting against the harsh light. I saw that Tara's already up, nursing her own hangover with a strong cup of coffee.

"Morning, sunshine," she says, smirking at ma sorry state. "Rough night?"

I grunt in response, pouring myself a cup of coffee strong enough to wake the dead. " Where Matt at?" I asked her and took a sip of the coffee. It was bitter as fuck.

"He left earlier, he said Enzo will pick you up" I hummed in response. At this  point Enzo is like ma private taxi or something cause this nigga be carrying me everywhere . He probably sick of me at this point.

I was about to go back to my room when I remember what was up there and went to the living room instead to lay down.

Just 5 seconds after I closed ma eyes.... I hear a ringing.

"Fuck" I shouted as I threw the closest thing to me which was the cup of coffee . I looked around and saw that it was Tara's phone.

After this she's gonna need a new one.

I went to where it was when Tara grabbed it.

"Chill Gen, I just got it, damn" she said then answer it she was talking bout a hair appointment she got tomorrow.

Great, now the rest of ma morning's fucked up.

I got up and went to take a warm shower and get ready.

When I was finished I got a notification and saw that it was Lorenzo saying he's here.

I made my way outta the house and saw Lorenzo's white audi r 8 parked outside.

I got in and accidentally slammed the door but I was in too much of a bad mood to apologize so fuck it.

"What the door do?" Lorenzo asked and I ignored him.

"Whatsup' with chu?" He asked getting all up in ma face. "Back the fuck up nigga " I said lowly and pushed him outta ma face.

"Ohh you the grumpy type, I see" he said with a chuckle as if what he said was funny. I just when back to ignoring him.

"Yo G you good?....Hellllo" he started waving his hand infront ma face and I was getting even more irritated .

"Nigga just shut the fuck up and drive" I shouted.

"Well damn G, what got you so tight so early?" he said pulling out the drive way. "Let me guess, its that time of the month"

"Fuck you " I said and he burst out laughing.

"You being real fuckin' annoying right now." and if he continues, am a knock his ass out right here, right now on gawd.

"Chill G,its just a joke" he said still laughing.

"Suck ma dick nigga"

"Any time pa" he said with a wink.

He then begins to laugh again.

This gay ass nigga gotta death wish and Imma grant it, trust.

"Laugh again and am a fuck you up" I warned him.

"G chill, why you so moody today?"

"Stop telling me to chill nigga fo I go off on yo faggot ass" I said and he stop laughing.

"Alright G, I get it so calm down"

"Nah don't tell me what to do faggot, you started this in the first place"

I saw him grip the staring wheel tightly then let it go and took a deep breath.It looked like he was mad but I don't give a fuck.

"Genesis I know you upset right now but I'll tolorate anything but disrespect, so am a need you to tone down on the attitude cause through out all this I haven't disrespect you once" he said and I know its true but I was still upset.

"Fuck outta here wit that shit" I said looking away feeling a bit guilty .

"you being real disrespectful right now and I  know you ain't want nobody disrespecting you, but you gotta learn how to respect others as well cause respect goes both ways and I respect you so am a need you to do the same for me, aight?"

"Whateva" I mumbled. "Am a need you to speak up louder than that Genesis."

"A said whateva, the fuck" I said looking at him. "Aight just finish it hea"

After that the rest of the ride to the parlour was silent and when we arrived all he said was 'we hea' and got out then I did the same.

Now it about 2:40 and am hungry as a  motha'fucka. Enzo ain't said a word to me since this morning and I'm feeling guilty as fuck right now cause I know he ain't do nothin wrong and was just playin around as always. I'm apologize so we can go get something to eat.

I put down ma phone and began to stretch and then got up about to go where he was.

"Eva since you got here you been on that damn thing" I heard Gilbert said hissing his teeth.

Im a just ignore him and have a peaceful rest of ma day.

"That's what wrong with you kids nowadays, don't want to do anything but play games. If I was Matt you wouldn't even be here"

It like everyone just love to get on ma nerves.

"Why is you here anyways, like whats yo purpose" I asked turning around. " Cause if its to piss me off you doing a real good fuckin' job"

"Don't get mad because I am speaking the true"

I was gonna answer him the right way but that would just be a waste of time and delay ma lunchtime.

"You know what am a be the bigger person and walk away" I said and turned around to make ma way to the back were Enzo was when I heard the bell ring indicating that someone entered the parlour.

I look round to greet the customer and when I saw who it was I just knew that today was not ma day.




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