PT 2!! (Cheater Jay AU)

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Ngl this AU hurts me. Like he'd never do thatttt!! Either way it's gonna happen. Now, without further hesitation, part 2:

Cole's pov~

I'm sitting on the couch watching some random show when Kai enters. All the others had left to do whatever they wanted for the day so it was just the two of us. Lloyd went to get comics, Zane and P.I.X.A.L. were on a date, Nya went to visit her and Kai's parents, and Wu went to get tea. He lays on the couch taking up all of the empty space. He's almost laying on me which sends a few butterflies into my stomach.

I don't know why but whenever something like this happens I get flustered. I can't be falling in love. Can I?

Nya's pov~

I'm sitting at Chen's with Lloyd, while he reads comics, randomly talking about stuff when he brings up something I had been wondering myself.

"You know how Kai was destroyed a few months ago because of his relationship, right? I'd assume so since ALL of Ninjago knew." Lloyd starts.

"Yeah. He's also my brother and he feels like a brother to you. Why you ask?" I reply.

"I've just noticed he got out of that state fairly quickly. Y'know how I was destroyed about Harumi? It left me in shambles for half a year. It hasn't even been that for Kai."

"First off, Harumi fucking sucked. And second, I have noticed that. On top of that, the person he's hanging with the most is Jay's best friend. Or former best friend. They don't exactly like each other at the moment..."

"No shit Sherlock."

"Okay, damn. Chill out green bean."

We'd continue to throw playful insults and names at one another until we parted ways when leaving the restraunt. I need to talk to Kai about him and Cole. I'm fine if they like each other. I just need to know if what they have is platonic or romantic.

I walk back to the house and see Kai and Cole making out on the couch.

"Nyaa....Siss...😅 Hiiiii"

"Kai what the actual fuck...On the couch?! Really? If your going to make out do it somewhere else. Everyone uses that couch!"

He rolls his eyes as I walk past him. "Okay, jeez."

At least I know the answer to my question. This does make more questions though. What the hell is his sexuality? How long has he liked Cole? Are they fucking? I don't think I wanna know that last one....

Done!! I honestly love putting the ship from the other ninjas' perspective. It's cool to write & read. Sorry this part was shorter than some of my other parts.. Either way, thanks for reading!! Have an amazing life lovelies!!

Final word count: 466 words. Bu Bye!!

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