Idk AU...(y'all come up with it)(Maybe cheater Jay AU?)

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Hello!! Sorry for the long wait lovelies but school has been on my ass for a while(and still is....) Yet I decided to write for y'all. Also this will contain a little plasma shipping but not for long. Its just to drive the story. Also this is just some cute fluff. Anyways, with that I give you: another part to this story:

Kai's pov~

I ran around inside the store looking for the perfect gift for Jay. It was our ____ month anniversary and I really want to surprise him. I'll see if I can get home early. He'll be so excited to see what I got him.

(10 minutes later. Kai was supposed not supposed to be home for another hour)

I unlock to door but before opening it I hear some whispering that sounded panicked. I quickly open the door and see Jay pushing someone out the house. That was suspicious on it's own but I fully realized what had happened when Jay turned and saw me there. His shirt was unbuttoned with hickeys all over his neck and chest.

"Kai this isn't what it looks like!!" He pleaded.

"So you're telling me you weren't cheating on me?! I have a hard time believing that when you push someone out the window!!!" I shout. (Author note: They have a 1 story house so the person is fine)

"Kai please believe me!! I love you!"

I ignore him continuing to shout. "If you love me so much then why'd you cheat on me?! And on our anniversary Jay...That's a new low. Y'know what... Get out."

He looks shocked at my words. "W-what..?"

"You heard me. We're done so get out!"

He cries as he gets out of my house. As soon as I close the door I break down a bit. I don't know where I went wrong. I loved him so much. Why would he do this to me?

Nobody's pov~

Kai's questions would last for days as he'd stay inside his room for over a week not talking to anyone. Not even his sister.

"Kai please come out...I miss you. We all do. (Nya, Zane, Cole, Lloyd, P.I.X.A.L. Skylar, & Wu. Jay left & went home to the junkyard for the entire time & will be gone for a while)" Nya would beg. Yet no answer would come out of Kai.

Kai was beyond heart broken. He'd given Jay everything so he lost a lot when he kicked Jay out. Part of him wants him back. But the smarter part of Kai knew he shouldn't get Jay back. A tiger never changes it's stripes after all.(bro I've got so many dumb people stories if y'all wanna hear 'em)

After a while though, Kai would emerge every now and again and would start eating again. (Also Nya would give Kai water so he didn't die)

It took some time but Kai would get back to his normal, cocky, self and joke around with the others again. Kai even found himself talking to Jay's best friend Cole. They hadn't interacted much before but since Jay they started talking a lot more.

"I'm sorry he did that to you. He never struck me as the type of guy who'd do that." Cole would say.

"It's fine. Looking back he showed all the red flags but I never saw them then. I guess I was too head over heels for him then haha."

The two would talk four hours building a stronger and closer bond by every day they were in each other's vicinity.

(many weeks later)

Lloyd's pov~ (shocker I know)

As time had passed since Kai and Jay broke up he and Cole had gotten very close. I dunno if Kai's fallen for someone again or if he's just making a friend. Hopefully, if it's love, Cole doesn't end up like Jay. I'd really hate to have to make another one of my friends go home for a while. We manage but sometimes Jay's help would be nice. He's still in Ninjago. Nya keeps me informed. I was also told that Jay let himself go and seems to hate what he's done. I might go see him soon. Not gonna tell Kai though. He'd want to kill Jay.

I end my long train of thought and help P.I.X.A.L. fix one of our vehicles.

"Now forgive me if I'm over-analyzing but don't friends Kai and Cole seem very close?" P.I.X.A.L. asks.

"I was thinking the same thing Pix. I just hope Kai isn't in love with another red flag. I don't think Cole is like Jay in that way..I just worry about him.."(worried brother moment :) )

" I wouldn't fret Lloyd. Cole wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless that fly was evil of course. Can't be too careful!"

"heh..Thanks Pixie stick. I appreciate it."

"No problem Lloyd. And I like the nickname."

So what do y'all think? I thought I'd try something different after my absence. It's less focused on just Kai and Cole's pov and more like how their love lives affect the others. I thought it was a good idea. I'm also planning to make a part 2 soon. But I won't if this part crashed and burned in it's shitty-ness. With that though, let me know if you like it, give me ideas if you have some, and have a good life lovelies!! Its especially hard these days but try your best! Its all you can do. Have a lovely life my lovelies!❤

Final word count: 925 words. Bu Bye!!!

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