Chapter 6

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"Up and again," Delilah ordered after knocking me down onto my ass.

I glared. "You up and again." I complained.

The people I meet are always crazy. Delilah and Lennox woke us up at first light and decided that that's the time to train. I mean like HELLO??? Anyone concerned about our beauty sleep?

It's one thing sleeping in a tent- there's no beauty in it. AND WAKING UP EARLY IN THE MORNING? Do I look like an early bird to you?

Reggie's not doing much better.

Actually, I lied. Reggie's seriously enjoying himself with Delilah's boyfriend. He seemed to enjoy getting kicked in the ass.

Something I- obvious- can't relate.

"You don't mumble and complain when you're in a fight, Rylie." Delilah chuckled, offering me a hand.

I took it and she pulled me up. "Lucky for me, I'm not in one." I said with mock cheerfulness.

Delilah sighed and looked at me. "Okay, let's approach this with another idea."

"Knock me out." I told her.

"Think of someone you hate. LIke someone who makes your blood boil."

"Nuh-uh. I haven't met that someone yet." I shook my head disappointingly.

"Alright....think about the people who had your family killed. Think about Sebastian and his minions."

"He didn't have every member killed." I corrected. "He took my twin brother away."

"You have a twin brother?"

"Yeah. He's a pain in the ass. Hey, you don't happen to know him...would you?" I asked hopefully.

"Well, I don't know, Rylie. There are a lot of kids who were taken under orders by Sebastian and most of them had their families killed, like yours." she said sympathetically. "You and your twin, do you look alike?"

"Oh no, thank goodness not. He's ugly." I said with a pointed look. "He looks nothing like me....well, as much as genes run anyway."

"What's his name?"


Delilah paused. "You're korean?"

"Mix. Mum's Korean, dad's Canadian." I answered. "My twin and I got more of my dad's genes while our younger siblings-" I forced back to sob at the mention of them. "They look more like mum."

She nodded. "I'll try to get a list of names for you, but don't get your hopes up much. Most of us changed our names after joining the Nachatomist."

I blinked. "The what now?"


"That's a stupid name."

Delilah shrugged. "I didn't recommend it." she frowned. "Anyway, what were we talking about before?"

"Some face that makes my blood boil."

"And you haven't met the person yet.." she nodded thoughtfully. "How about an ex?"

I thought about it, but there wasn't much to think about since I never had any boyfriend.

But somehow, my mind thought of Will. Yes, my brother's best friend, Will. Did I mention I might have a big fat crush on him? Yea so I still do.

I thought about the girl he was spotted with during his New Years Party last year. It had become a hot topic on the news for a couple of days and it made me really angry. It just wasn't fair.

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