Chapter 8

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If you think Dean and Rowan are a cute match, you should try Maxwell and MingZe.

They're like a married couple.

"Oh you stupid idiot, you missed the turn!" Ming scolded from the passenger seat.

"ME?!" Maxwell, our driver, exclaimed. 'I'm not the one with the map!"



Seated in the backseat, I exchanged a glance with my brother.

"Why do all the guys in their twenties act like three?" I questioned under my breath.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Delilah's big brother and Lennox's best friend demanded, both of them turning back to glare at me.

In normal circumstances, this is completely fine with me, but as usual, we're not under normal circumstances.

"WATCH THE CAR.' Reggie shrieked, pointing ahead.

Maxwell turned around in time to avoid being crashed by the car heading towards us in the opposite direction. The moment he swerved back to our lane, we were being honked at and we dodged another car, causing Maxwell to lose his wheels.

"OMG WE'RE GONNA DIE." I screeched, grabbing onto the panic bar.

'We're not gonna die.' Maxwell scoffed, doing some voo-doo magic crazy stunt shit with the steering wheel.

I'm glad I was wearing my seat belt because if I wasn't, I would've been thrown in every direction as Maxwell drove.

At last, the tires screeched and my brother and I screamed, and we came to a stop.

"We're here!" Mingze said a little too cheerfully, like he was used to this crazy driving.

I felt a little dizzy then, as I threw the car door open to see that Maxwell had somehow gotten the car parallel parked without stopping to reverse.

"What- how?!" Reggie exclaimed, stumbling next to me. "You-"

Maxwell only smirked as he walked on. "Magic."

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts at whatever just happened. When I looked up, I realised that we weren't at the hotel.

"What are we doing here?" I frowned, looking up at the huge Apple store.

"Getting you two a phone, duh." Ming answered.

If you didn't know, Rowan threw Reggie and my phone out of the plane, claiming that we should get a new one because the bad people can track our phones.

It was a valid reason, but still, I'm pretty sure he just wanted to do that for a long time

"Oh I can survive without a phone," I said, waving the idea off.

No, I actually can't.

"Oh, but I can't." Reggie said eagerly, hopping into the store. "C'mon bitches, let's get a new phone."

I sighed as he and Maxwell started skipping into the shop like some kids whose parents told them they can get as many chocolates as they want.

"You better start questioning them," Mingze mumbled as we walked side by side. "Better now then never."

Ming stuck to me- or rather, I followed him like a annoying fly- as we walked around the shop, looking for a new phone for me, while the other two stuck together, pressing on every phone they found.

We soon decided what phones we wanted. As we headed to the counter, I took out the card Rowan had handed to me early that day.

Ming screamed suddenly, snatching the credit card from my hand. "What the fuck! Stefano got you a black card?!"

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