💧☁️Adam x Fem!reader Part2💧☁️

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This is Part two of the last one 😊
Idek if this is a fluff at all or just angst but

Extermination day, on whole year later. One whole year that Y/N hated herself and hated her decision. But this was the day she had been waiting for, to prove them wrong.

The Angels came down like rain and Y/N felt the fear the demons felt which only made her more determined. Without a second thought she was fighting the angels in protection of hell.

The Angels didn't hold back from her though because they saw her as a traitor even though all she wanted was peace. She fought her former comrades reluctantly but never killed them, just knocking them out and trapping them.

She saw a group of children huddled in an alleyway, cornered by angels. Without a second thought Y/N jumped in front of them and shielded the children. "Don't do this...you don't need to bring hurt in the equation to have peace..." Y/N defended them, they could see the fear in her eyes but never once did she stray from her morals.

But like I said, the angels didn't hold back. While she was distracting them with a heroic monologue, the children ran off. "Well, well, well now that the children are gone we won't have to hold back on this bitch will we boys?"

There were three angels, one man at the front, one female and one male at the back. She fought them as much as she could without her angelic gear who still trying not to kill them. She ended up with a gash on her leg, cuts on her wings and a dagger lodged in her stomach.

Adam had been watching everything from heaven because he's a lazy bitch. He saw Y/N fighting and his scream rang all through the court room in which he was in. "Y/N!!" He screamed.

The extermination soon ended and Adam flew down to hell as fast as he could, his eyes searching frantically for Y/N. His eyes landed on a woman lay in an alleyway, bleeding out. "Y/N!" He shouted and ran to her side, cradling her head.

"Don't you dare die on me, dumbass!" He croaked. She chuckled softly and tried to keep a smile on even though her muscles were aching badly. "Hey...no promises..."

"Y/N...Y/N don't you dare do this to me..." he spat, shaking her gently to keep her awake. "Fuck..." she remarked as she looked down at the dagger in her stomach and said sarcastically "That's gonna leave a mark..."

"Don't you dare try and be funny, damn it!" He teared up. He didn't want to accept the fact that she was dying but she seemed to have already come to terms with it. "Adam..." she mumbled.

He was still shaking her "Y/N, do not do this to me, I won't let you die.." He said, now with a few tears rolling down his cheeks. "Adam...I hate to break it to you, but I'm not making it out of this alive..." she chuckled.

"NO you are NOT dying, I won't let you die." He said angrily. "Yes I AM. And there's nothing any of us can do (Napoleon) so don't cry, just smile." she put a hand on his cheek to comfort him and he put his hand on hers.

"Why are you so damn calm about this?" He teared up a bit more. "Because part of me knew I would die protecting hell...die fighting for the cause of peace...and that's how I want to go...on a high note..." She smiled.

"So you died sacrificing yourself for those DEMONS?" He questioned angrily, he would blame them for the rest of eternity for this death if he had to, just to get the blame off of himself.

"They were once people too...they just need a chance to be redeemed.." she smiled and her eyes landed on the dagger. She poked it and winced, making a mental note to not poke things lodged in her stomach.
(You dirty minded fuck 😉)

Anyway, Adam then said "Y/N, I swear to god if you die on me I will do whatever it takes to bring you back to life...even if it means defying the council..." he said sincerely, he didn't expect such a response from him since he was pretty tight with Heavens rules.

"No...don't do that...everyone dies at some point and hey...you're the original dick right?" She smiled and tried to lighten the situation.

He gritted his teeth "I'm not a dick!" He spat. "Yeah you are...but you're my dick." She booped his nose. "Shut up!" He shouted flustered, he knew Y/N was a dumbass but he didn't expect her to be this much of a dumbass on her deathbed.

"I'll shut up when I take my last breath" she chuckled, causing her stomach to bleed out a bit more. "You are NOT dying" he hugged her tightly "Yes I AM" she smiled.

"Why do you still smile? Why aren't you scared?" He sniffled. She had hoped he wouldn't ask that question but decided to answer honestly "I...I'm so fucking scared Adam...but I don't want to die frowning...you have to see good in the world...right?" She mumbled, her voice was shaky with fear, fear she had been trying to suppress.

"You know what? You're a dumbass but you're my dumbass...and I love you" He had his usual smirk back with just a few tears welling in his eyes. "You're my dick and I love you..." she chuckled, causing a little more blood to come out.

Her breathing became more shallow and her heartbeat was only faint. "You have to survive this...please" He begged. "Please..."


Did you enjoy that?
I hope you did because I had fun writing it. Who doesn't love some good old angst?
Okay, bye bitches 🥰 😘 💋

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